Libertarian Party of Four Hectares

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The Libertarian Party of Four Hectares
Headquarters: Brutus, 4H
Nationality: Four Hectares
Specialty: Major Political Party
Storefront: {{{forum}}}


The Libertarian Party of Four Hectares is by all accounts the largest political party in the country, with just over 1.35 billion registered voters. They usually campaign on a platform of highly deregulated, free-market economics, tiny government with minimal, consumption-based taxes and liberal positions on most social issues.

Platform Breakdown

  • Economic Policy: The Libertarians believe the only major laws needed to regulate industry and commerce are anti-discriminatory laws, a reasonable minimum wage law, and a law to regulate the employment of minors (defined as those under 18 years of age). Otherwise, they believe in the massive deregulation of industry and the end of corporate welfare.

  • Trade: The Libertarian Party of Four Hectares promotes free-trade and specialization as a means of streamlining the national economy. They call for an end to major barriers to trade, including tariffs, subsidies and quotas.

  • Taxes: The Libertarians favor a flat-rate national sales tax as the primary source of income for a very small federal government.

  • Education: The Libertarian Party of Four Hectares feels that proper education is a key part of their plan for the country. All children are required to attend either public or private schools until the age of 18, or until they obtain a high school diploma, whichever comes first. Libertarians advocate funding K-12 schools through the federal sales tax and a national education lottery. Throughout high school, students are highly encouraged to attend a college or university upon graduation and as a result, well over 90% choose to continue on to some form of higher education. Corporations, scholarship programs/funds and other organizations provide many students with need-based or merit-based scholarships as needed to further their education.

  • Healthcare: The Libertarians are opposed to socialized medicine and the creation of national healthcare plans.

  • Social Welfare: The Libertarians condemn all social welfare schemes, claiming they serve only to unfairly redistribute wealth which others have rightfully earned. They also believe that welfare leads to higher rates of unemployment and greater numbers of immigrants who come simply to live off of free services, instead of find work. They recommend that those with a philanthropic spirit donate to the charities of their choice.

  • Religion: The Libertarian Party of Four Hectares advocates a secular government and the separation of church and state. However, they believe that people should be free to practice whatever non-violent creed they choose, including non-belief.

  • Drugs: The Libertarians favor relaxed drug laws, on the premise that drug use is a victim-less crime and legalization will serve to reduce violent crime by dissolving shady black market empires.

  • Firearms: The Libertarian Party of Four Hectares believes that personal firearm ownership is a key to solving crime problems and that it also serves to bolster the country's emergency defenses, in case of invasion.

  • Moral Issues: The Libertarians favor legalizing abortion on-demand, prostitution, stem-cell research and gambling

  • Overall Political Philosophy: Anarcho-Capitalism