CIZ-Central Intelligence Zone

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The CIZ is the intelligence in Northern Sushi. They constantly monitor the NSIC3 Survellence System. CIZ is ran by Dr. Rob Sims and his staff of 11,000 reasearch analysts, soliders, computer specialists, and field agents. The CIZ is the largest employer in the province of Toro. The CIZ is in-charged of all internal security at the national level and does diplomatic work with the other The Worldwide Union nations, perticularly the nation of Harrissy has close contacts with Northern Sushi. The border defence zone is a joint effort with the NS Department of Defence, CIZ and bordering nationstates in the WWU. CIZ officers must pass tough background checks when applying and go through security checks when entering and leaving any government facilities. CIZ agents get diplomatic immunity within Northern Sushi, except when charged with Treason or Conspiracy.