Zuidengrote Eagle

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The Zuidengrote Eagle is a temperate rain forest bird, often called the Malabran Eagle. It is the only member of the genus zuiden.


Female Zuidengrote Eagles are 100 cm long with a 200 cm wingspan and average 7.5 kg. The male, in comparison, weighs only about 4.75 kg. It is dark grey overall, with an ash-grey head, and white belly. Both sexes possess an erectile crest of long feathers. The talons are up to 13 cm long.


It is the largest and most powerful eagle found in Domnonia, usually inhabiting temperate lowland rainforests throughout the Eastern Keeslands and the Malabras.



Food and Reproduction

This species is an actively hunting carnivore. Its main prey items are tree-dwelling mammals such as bear cubs and sloths; it may also attack other bird species, such as the Miervatian Burrowing Owl. The talons are extremely powerful. It can be aggressive towards humans who disturb its nesting sites or appear to be a threat to its young.

A pair of Zuidengrote Eagles lay a single white egg in a large stick nest high in a tree, and raise one chick every 2-3 years. The chick fledges in 6 months, but the parents continue to feed it for another 6-10 months.


The Zuidengrote Eagle is threatened by logging and hunting throughout its range.