Soviet Britian

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                     Soviet Britian


the Flag of Soviet Britian- the National motto is 'worker's of the world unite, fight your plight, Bolshevism or bust'

Soviet Britian is a Nation on Nationstates. It is a UN member- and currently the UN delegate for it's Native region- the 'International Communist union'.

It was established in November 2006. It has so far occupied 4 regions- the original feeder region, the USSR, the International Left bloc, (a region created by soviet britian in order to minipulte the UN) and finally the International Communist union since.

Soviet Britian's government declares itself to be libertirian, democratic and thoughly anti-capitalist. however, the government has a conflicting economic policy, resulting in a successful economy but not meeting it's ambition to abolish all private enterprise.