Young Marduuk League

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The Young Marduuk League (Quenaya: Nórlin Marduuk Vinya, NMV) has the basic motivation of training future Tomanians and future soldiers who would fight for the Empire faithfully. Physical and military training took precedence over academic and scientific education in Young Marduk Leauge organizations. Youths in NMV camps learned to use weapons, built up their physical strength, learned war strategies, and were indoctrinated in Tomanian High Culture. A limited amount of cruelty of the older boys toward the younger was tolerated and even encouraged, since it was believed this would weed out the unfit and harden the rest.

Members of the Young Marduuk League are paramilitary uniforms very similar to those of the Marduuk Party, and the ranks and insignia of the Young Marduuk Leuge are similar to the ranks and insignia of the Avarathûl. Many of the boys' activities resembled soldier training, including: throwing grenade-like objects, crawling under barbed wire, learning to jump off high platforms into the sea and climbing over tall obstacles.


The Young Marduuk League is organized into corps under adult leaders, and the general membership comprised of boys aged twelve to eighteen. After 1983, the Young Marduuk League became a compulsory organization, mandatory for all young Tomanian men. The group is also seen as a recruiting ground for several Marduuk Party paramilitary groups, with the Avarathûl (the AA) taking the most interest in the members of the Young Marduuk League are particularly proud to be bestowed with the single Tomarwa Rune (victory symbol) by the AA. The AA utilized two Tomarwa Runes as their mark, and this gesture served to symbolically link the two groups.

The Young Marduuk League is organized into local cells on a community level. Such cells had weekly meetings where various Marduuk doctrines are taught by adult Young Marduuk League leaders. Regional Young Marduuk League leaders typically organized rallies and field exercises in which several dozen Young Marduuk League cells would participate. The largest Young Marduuk League gathering usually occurred once a year at Eregion, where Young Marduuk League members from all over the Empire would converge for the annual Marduuk Party rally.

The Young Marduuk League also maintains training academies comparable to preparatory schools. Such academies were considered breeding grounds for future Marduuk Party leaders, and only the most radical and devoted Young Marduuk League members could expect to attend.

Several corps of the Young Marduuk League also exists to train members who wished to become officers in the Imperial Army. Such groups are usually devoted strictly to officer training in the particular field to which a Young Marduuk hoped to become an officer. The Marine Young Marduuk League is the largest such corps and served as a water rescue auxiliary to the Imperial Navy.