Skgorrian Military

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Military/Paramilitary Organisations - MT

Service Arms

Skgorria has a long and proud military tradition that stretches back to the beginnings of recorded history. Conscription was introduced to Skgorria by the Soviets, who needed extra troops to fight in the Civil War and strengthen the Red Army. This was not abandoned by the new fascist government that emerged in 1941, and when the USSR re-conquered Skgorria they kept conscripting Skgorrians right up until the dissolution of the USSR. The current government still maintains conscription, but whereas in previous years and governments the conscription policy only conscripted males, females are now included. All Skgorrian citizens and subjects between the ages of 18 and 24 must serve a minimum of two years in any branch of the Skgorrian armed forces, thought by volunteering many can secure a more favourable placement. There are a few possible reasons to delay or even be exempt from military service, but such cases must be presented to the nearest division commander in person. After service, citizens are bound to serve four weeks a year with their Reserve unit. Men remain on the reserve list until age 50, whilst women remain until age 35.

In terms of efficency, the Skgorrian military breaks its forces down as follows:

1st Echelon - units completely comprised of career soldiers. These units are extremely well-trained, have high morale and often have the best and most modern equipment. All SS units are 1st Echelon

2nd Echelon - units with conscripts serving their first term of service backed up with a large ammount of career soldiers. The combat efficency of these units is slightly less than the 1st Echelon, but they are still an effective fighting force.

3rd Echelon - units with a high proportion of reservists, often only some of the officer and NCO corps are career soldiers. 3rd Echelon units are rarely called into action on the front lines as the soldiers are less proficent due to their age. The weapons and equipment found in this category of units are often less well maintained and not as modern as thier counterparts in the regular forces.

4th Echelon - units formed with those who are too old for the reserves or who have not served in the forces for some reason. These units would only be raised in the direst of circumstances as a last resort and effectively take the form of a militia. Similar units were raised during the War of Seperation, and it is suspected these units would be equipped with obsolete and scavenged weaponry.

Army – the mainstay of Skgorria’s military might, containing tanks, infantry, artillery and all other aspects of a modern army. During the fracturing of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Brzno, much of the armed forces sided with Skgorria and as a result got the best equipment from the Red Army’s arsenal in Brzno, though some of it is starting to show its age. Standard armament for infantry units is the AK-74 rifle, though the Skgorrian government is in the process of acquiring AK-107s. Infantry also carry 3 grenades of varying types, 4 spare magazines and a 24 hour ration pack including a water bottle. The Army can be called upon by the SP to provide additional manpower if needed, such as the clearing of a designated Ghetto. The bulk of Skgorrian conscripts serve here, but are supported by a healthy cadre of volunteers and career soldiers. Its duties include policing the borders of Skgorria and as disaster relief.


Above: Skgorrian Army soldiers on parade

Main equipment includes: T-95 "Black Eagle" as the standard MBT with some reservists using T-80s

BMP-III and BTW-90 as APCs

AK-74 rifles is the standard rifle for line infantry, some units recieving the newer AK-107

RPG-29 is the standard anti-tank weapon for infantry

Mi-24 and Ka-50 gunships for the Army Air Corps

Air Force – the air power of the Skgorrian military resides here, with a broad selection of mostly Russian aircraft, although Skgorria recently acquired a wing of A-10 Thunderbolts and a wing of B1 Lancers from DMG Industries. The Air Force provides transport and air support for the Army, although the Army does have a small unit of short-range transport planes. In order to serve as a pilot or as a member of air crew onboard a Skgorrian military aircraft, a Skgorrian citizen must volunteer as aircraft are too valuable to risk in the hands of conscripts, though a few conscripts serve as members of ground crew and support staff. SAF planes are constantly patrolling the skies of Skgorria, and the SAF is also responsible for the maintenance and operation of radar stations, defended by ground troops under Air Force command called "Air Guards" who are mainly conscripts. The Paratroops are part of the Air Guards and are strictly volunteers, plus they are one of the few units left in the Skgorrian military that are exclusively for men.

Main equipement includes:

Mig-29 "Fulcrum"

Mig-31 "Foxhound"

Su-25 "Frogfoot"

Su-37 "Terminator"

Tu-22M 'Backfire"


Above: 2 Tu-22M 'Backfires' en route to attacking International Lesbians

Tu-160 "Blackjack"

B-1 "Lancer"

Storm Squad (SS) – an elite formation of the Skgorrian military, containing both Army and Air Force units. These troops number 1/5 of the Skgorrian military, and are heavily politically indoctrinated and receive better weapons and training than the regular Army and Air Force. One example of this is that all SS Panzer units have the new T-95 tank, whilst many Army units have to make do with the rapidly aging T-80. The SS act as the personal guards to the Leader and other key party members, though their ultimate loyalty is to the Leader. The dress uniform is almost identitcal to the SS uniform of Nazi Germany, yet another example of how deeply Skgorria has been influenced by Nazism. SS infantry are armed with the Stg-88, a Skgorrian-made assault rifle that fires 7.62 mm ammunition and has a 30 round capacity. Out of all the military services, only the SS has access to biochem weapons and SS tanks carry 3 sarin shells as standard. SS troops are all volunteers, with an increasing number of women opting for SS service. Unlike the other services, the SS maintains no reserve forces and ex-SS men and women serve as reservists with the other services. This is no major problem as many SS soldiers stay in the SS for their own career, and often ex-SS soldiers are used as consultants and trainers for the SP and the CFSS

Strategic Rocket Forces - this branch of the military controls Skgorria's nuclear arsenal which consists of both ICBMs and air-launched cruise missiles. It is its own authority, subject to neither SS nor Army nor Air Force control. The Strategic Rocket Forces do maintain a small force of field troops, though they only serve as guards for the silos and launch sites and never on the front lines. At present, the Strategic Rocket Forces have over 20,000 ICBMs of the following types:

SS-18 "Satan"

SS-25 "Topol"

SS-27 "Topol M"


Above: A mobile SS-27 launcher, somewhere in Skgorria

Elite units of the Skgorrian Military

2nd Division, “Grand Skgorria” – recognized as the elite of the regular army, the Grand Skgorria division is a combined-arms division.


Above: 'Grand Skgorria' infantry prepare to engage an AWPM incursion in the depths of winter

4th Border Guards Regiment – permanently stationed on the Skgorria-Atopiana border, this regiment excels at counter-infiltration and reprisal warfare.


Above: 4th Border Guards soldiers storm across a river on their way to burn an Atopian village in reprisal for a Dedication Division attack in Skgorria City

Rapid Pacification Force – a battalion of troops drawn from a random regiment, this unit serves a 6-month tour as Skgorria’s primary response to a low-level threat, both domestic and international.

3rd Air Fleet – this formation is Skgorria’s answer to any invasion force. With a recently completed deal with several multinational arms dealers, this formation includes over 600 strategic bombers and a full wing of B-1 bombers, as well as several hundred fighters, light ground attack aircraft and a variety of helicopter gunships.


Above: A Tu-160 fires a Kh-55 to support the Icovirian landing in Emperor Nero

5th SS Panzer Division, “Zionbane” – this is the cream of the SS tank force. Formerly made up of Brznovian Red Tank Guards, this unit is now exclusively Skgorrian and has witnessed a massive rise in prestige thanks to its role in the War of Seperation. This unit is the first in the SS to have a female CO

Special Action Division – where the Skgorrian military goes, Special Action Division follows. This formation is only lightly armed with light vehicles and aircraft, but its role is not front-line combat. Instead it serves as Skgorria’s tool for racial and political extermination, eliminating all those who do not conform to the Iron Rule.

Special Action Unit 209 - part of Special Action Division, this company-sized force serves as Skgorria's primary response to terrorism


Above: SAU 209 execute another flawless raid and bring the deviants to justice. Note the abandoned ballistic shield on the right, used as protection during the aprroach


Skgorrian Youth Legion -

Committee For Skgorrian Security (CFSS) – the intelligence wing of the Skgorrian government, serving in both an espionage and counter-espionage role. Not especially trained in combat and often relying on SS for support in terms of firepower and training, the CFSS is nonetheless adept at keeping tabs on Skgorria’s enemies at home and abroad.

State Police (SP) – the primary job of the SP is to keep law and order in Skgorria, and stop trouble before it happens. In the event of needing more manpower, the SP’s first port of call is the Army, and the SS if the job is too severe. Skgorrian police are armed with pistols as standard, and often carry heavier weapons such as shotguns in their patrol cars.

Military Campaigns

Corinthian Civil War - a company of 5th SS particpated, 2 platoons of T-95s and 1 of mechanised infantry. They played a brief but vital role, rescuing Corinthian loyalists from attack by firing sarin shells and allowing them to recapture a nuclear silo.

International Lesbians - this peaceful and pacifist nation populated entirely by women was attacked by a massive international coalition which included Skgorria. After capturing a small town with a regiment of paratroops, a massive airstrike was called in on a nearby city. The city was attacked by a force of 500 bombers, mostly Tu-22Ms with 4 wings of Tu-160s and a squadron of B1s. The city was utterly devastated by the strike, and was further annihilated by an Atopian orbital weapons strike. As conflict over the island heated up, the Skgorrians withdrew back to Skgorria, kidnapping over 13,000 women that would be brainwashed into either fulfilling a domestic role or serving in the Skgorrian Foreign Legion.

Khornate Tribes Crisis - 2 divisions landed and captured a port, then secured the area around it with minimal losses. The port is still under Skgorrian control despite many frequent counterattacks.

Galation - in response to a growing threat from the nation of Galation, a full-scale bombardment was launched by the Skgorrian Strategic Rocket Forces and Skgorrian Air Force (both SS and regular). A massive ICBM launch was launched at the same time as a massive air strike of over 1,000 bombers. Over 3,000 ICBMs of various types and 3,000 cruise missiles pummeled Galation and reduced it to a radioactive wasteland. This attack coincided with a massive bombardment from other nations including Atopiana and Icovir, utterly destroying that nation. Atopiana later occupied Galation and proceeded to auction territory off to the international community. Skgorria purchased the captial of Galation and an area of territory that is currently used as a rad-zone training ground for soldiers fighting in post-nuclear environments.

Emperor Nero - coming to the aid of Icovir, an ally of convenience, 16th Air Army launched a series of strike in support of a joint Icovirian-Wanderjarian landing with a force of 24 Tu-160s, 12 B-1s and 12 Su-37s. Over a thousand Neroians were killed, but 3 Su-37s were destroyed.

Caliguan Empire - the Caliguan Empire declared war upon the nation of Icovir, and Skgorria lept to the defence of its ally. The SSRF took advantage of the experience they had gained during their assault on Galation, and launched a total of 2,500 SS-27 missiles, utterly decimating the Caliguans. Maraque fired 20,000 sarin-missiles, whilst the Atopians fired over 5,000 SS-27s. The vast majority of the Caliguan populace had taken shelter in underground bunkers and survived, and as such the leadership of the Caliguan Empire believed they could still win. However the surface of the Empire was totally and utterly devastated and as the popluation began to emerge, they soon died from extreme radiation poisoning. One of the last communiques from the Caliguan leadership stated "The satanic peoples and they're empire is now a mushy puddle of nothing". With the Caliguan Empire was reduced to radioactive rubble, Skgorria once again stood triumphant over the ashes of its enemies.


Above: The Skgorrian Strategic Forces record yet another successful hit, this time on the nation's capital

AUF Coup - Skgorrian military operations were conducted in support of a fascist coup in Skgorria's oldest enemy, Atopiana. A batallion of paratroopers were dropped into the captial, Kurskograd, and although they took severe losses, roughly 2 companies of troops were able to link up with AUF elements at the Council Chambers. Major Petersen lead all the combat-capable troops in support of an AUF column that aimed to capture a TV station, and Skgorrian troops were the first to enter the building.

On a large scene, Field Marshall von Rubstadt organised a massive assault against the Grand Line. Attacking the massive series of fortifications head-on, Ventersdorpian prisoners were used as a convenient method of mine clearance. Reserve III Corps was obliterated before they even got half-way through the mines and wire and it took the sacrifice of 2 more Corps-level formations and a massive air assault by 3rd Air Fleet before 6th Panzer Army was able to cross the 600 yards of open killing ground and make a serious dent on the defences before being wiped out. The defenders soon fled in terror after Battlegroup 'Firestorm' entered the theatre, being lead by the infamous 5th SS Panzer 'Zionbane' division. Battlegroup Firestorm secured a breach in the defences, support by Battlegroup IV which included 'Grand Skgorria'.

British Londinium - a renegade division of British Londinium troops seized the city of Lundenwic, and despite mobilisation of government forces and harsh rhetoric from the Dual Monarchs, rebel support continued to grow. Skgorria immediately responded by deploying SAU 209 to the capital, Kensington, where they would play a covert role in eliminating rebel sympathisers in conjunction with government troops. After a declaration of martial law, the rebels finally revealed themselves and their intentions. A radio broadcast from Lundenwic was made the day after the renegade division seized the city:

The time for British Londinium to fall is now! The time for capitalism to fall is now! I, Peter Grueber, the leader of the United Socialist Forces, have seized the city of Lundenwic; Lundenwic shall serve as the basis for the fall of the Dual Monarchy. Kneel before us, Emperor and Empress! Surrender at once!

Upon hearing that the rebels were socialists, and thus yet another pawn of the international Zion-Bolsehvik conspiracy, the Fuhrer ordered a massive deployment to counteract this threat. A full Army Group was mobilised, comprised of the following divisions:

Battlegroup Firstorm: 5th SS Panzer, 17th and 18th SS Panzergrenadier

Battlegroup IV: 6th Motor Rifle, 14th and 23rd Infantry

6th Air Army, comprised at this time of 6 wings of fighters and 6 wings of bombers

Deployment of these forces began immediately, as the Lundenwic-based rebels began a march on the capital after seizing 2 squadrons of aircraft. Despite an emergency mobilisation and conscription, and the deployment of 3 government divisions (III, V and IX) and a wing of aircraft to stop the rebel advance on Kensington, the rebels were not stopped. Division III turned traitor, and between the traitor division and the rebels V was wiped out and IX took severe losses.

Following the defeat of the government forces, the Dual Monarchs evacuated Kensington, leaving Battlegroup IV, 5th SS Panzer and half of 6th Air Army to defend the city (the rest had not arrived yet). Last-minute reinforcements took form of 1st Godhammer Brigade, which had a total of 216 guns. A request for intelligence from the British Londinian Secret Intelligence Service revealed that the rebels numbered over a hundred thousand and had two squadrons of aircraft at their disposal, and that they were approaching from the north, thus Storm-General Beckenbauer deployed his men accordingly. This intelligence proved partly faulty, as the rebels came from the south. Quickly the Storm-General ordered 5th SS Panzer and 18th Infantry to the south, along with half of the Godhammer brigade to confront the enemy. As the Skgorrians hurried across the capital to meet the enemy, the Atopian 8th Drop Division was deploying to the south further forward than the Skgorrians, signalling Atopiana's entry into the conflict.

The rebels had now drawn up defensive lines 5 kilometers away from the outskirts of the capital, a move that they would later regret. The south-bound Skgorrian forces stopped roughly 25 miles away from the rebel lines and fired a salvo from the Godhammer cannons. Gunnery Sargeant Herman Yuklig of 1st Godhammer Brigade recalls this event:

So we set up the cannon in the middle of the city, triangulated the co-ordinates and prepared to fire. Of course we were nervous, we were about to fire nuclear weapons! But then we fired, all 108 guns at the same time. It was an almighty sound, but nothing like the following explosion. The shells hit roughly at the same time and the sky lit up with huge fireballs. They don't call those guns 'Godhammer' for no reason, you know.

This marked the first time the Godhammers had been fired in anger, and possibly the first use of atomic artillery in combat operations. 75,000 rebels were killed in an instant, but this did not break the will of the socialists. 10,000 were ordered to charge the city whilst 5,000 continued to dig a tunnel into the city, hoping to go beneath the massive defences. The rush of the 10,000 rebels was quickly stopped by 8th Drop, who cut the rebels to shreds as they ran headlong into the Atopian guns, backed by a squadron of Skgorrian Su-37s. However a smaller group of rebels broke through government lines and prepared to march on the Parliament building when they were joined by 5,000 diggers that had emerged from the Underground. In a last-ditch effort to hold the line, the Skgorrians deployed 2 companies of Ubersoldaten, marking their first time in combat. As government forces lost the will to fight, the Ubersoldaten attempted to combat the rebels and stop them gaining entry but despite causing horrific casualties. Taking advantage of the slow speed of the Ubersoldaten, a small group circumvented the Ubersoldaten and entered the Parliament, killing all government officials they could find.

Atopiana decided that the capital could not be saved, and thus it needed to be scourged. A thousand 10MT warheads were fired at the city as Skgorrian and Atopian troops hurriedly evacuated, the detonation wiping out Kensington and the rebels. Whilst the government attempted to re-organise itself in Westminster, Storm-General Beckenbauer regrouped his forces and began to liase with the Atopians, who by now were deploying a further Army Group. The Skgorrians sent a company of Ubersoldaten to serve as bodyguards to the Monarchs, and began setting up 4 large internment camps to detain civillians for their own safety whilst the Atopians began combing the countryside looking for rebels.

The Westminster government began restricting personal freedoms, issuing curfews and denouncing outside criticism. The Royal Family was taken prisoner and made to give up power, only to escape with their Skgorrian bodyguards to a royalist Royal Navy attack group. A man called Daniel Yanez was installed as High Chancellor, a man with significant despotic tendencies. The following is an extract from one of his edicts:

By Order of The High Chancellor, it is to be understood that no-one is to leave or enter the nation. All passports are to be turned in at once. All borders are hereby closed. Failure to do so will constitute treason.

The Government advises all people to say in their homes that are not required for military service, and that they should leave their televisions on for Party Announcements.

Due to dissent amongst the Parliament, and the uncovering of a treasonous plot, all MPs are being placed in internment camps, with the exception of the Cabinet members.

Let me remind immigrants, homosexuals, terrorists and traitors to beware! For the might of the British Londinian Government shall be swift and merciless.

Remember that you are under constant watch, and that anything thought or action of treason shall be immediately delt with by execution. There can be no room for criticism, no room for debate. There is only order or chaos, and we shall have order for:

British Londinium Prevails!

Despite this, the Dual Monarchs did not give up hope and made an impassioned plea from the citizens of British Londinium to rebel. This made no discernable affect on the new regime, as the Chancellor easily suspended elections whilst Skgorrian and Atopian troops detained and killed suspected and confirmed rebels. Atopiana even began setting up a puppet regime called the Social Republic that would remain loyal to the Westminster government. Both Skgorria and Atopiana began training and arming loyalist militias as well as providing valuable expertise in controlling the populace.


Above: Social Republic troops engage dissidents

At sea, a deadly game of cat-and-mouse was being played out between the Royals on board a submarine, Praetonian and Nova Brittanican forces. Whilst Praetonia sought to aid th Royals, Nova Brittanica sought to detain them. As the Praetonians withdrew, the Nova Brittanicans engaged the Royals and their attack group. Vice-Admiral Qwerty killed his superior under Party orders and ordered his men to stand down, his orders made all the more clear by the support of the Ubersoldaten assigned to guard the Monarchs.

On land, the Chancellor took more and more power, whilst the Skgorrians found they lacked the necessary expertise to run such a large detention operation, and thus called for Special Action Divsion. The Social Republic, under Richard Tranter, declared independance from British Londinium and was promptly supported by Skgorrian and Atopiana. The Chancellor demmanded all forgeign troops leave his nation, and Skgorrian promplty complied, withdrawing all assets to the Social Republic. An Atopian invasion was launched becase it was believed that the Chancellor would not recognise the Social Republic, but he did and thus the Atopians stopped. However popular support for the Chancellor was quickly fading, and a suicide attack destroyed the Court of Justice. This symbolic attack prompted outright rebellion, with Party troops slaughtering civillians and a Royal Navy destroyer attacking key government postions. Atopiana quickly re-invaded in support of the Chancellor, and Atopian troops surged towards the capital. However the Interim government had totally collapsed, and the Chancellor was killed by Royal Army soldiers.

Military Projects

Project Godhammer - with Skgorria joining the Corporate Alliance, the need for border security became paramount, and so Project Godhammer was concieved. The entire border of Skgorra was to be ringed with M65 'Godhammer' cannons, massive artillery pieces capable of firing atomic shells. The line was designed with 2 layers of cannons that were purchased from Pudite Arms, the arms contractor that aided Skgorria in the mass modernisation of its military and helped it to become the leading military power in the region. An initial order of over 80,000 cannons was placed, costing $258 960 000 000 which easily fell in Skgorria's purchasing budget despite the accquisition of 15,229 SS-27s that year.

Project Ubersoldat - this project was concieved by the secretive Special Operations Directorate with the aim of creating a weapon of intimidation and advancing the concept of armoured troops into the next century. Research initially began on portable body armour but the project took a new turn with new advancements in the fields of hydraulics, cybernetics and medical science. The concept was radical yet somewhat familiar: to implant a soldier into a suit of armour capable of withstanding direct heavy fire, much the same as the armoured knight of old.

After experimentation with multiple types of armour, the research team decided to settle on chobham armour as it seemed to fulfill the requirements of the Project guidelines. The suit was originally scaled to be just over 7' tall and armed with a MG, but orders from the Fuhrer to increase firepower and intimidation meant that the suit ended up being over 16' tall and initially armed with two modified M242 Bushmasters. The Bushmaster gives the Ubersoldat great tactical flexibility as there are three firing modes (1) Single Shot Semi-Automatic. The gunner can shoot as fast as he can squeeze the trigger. (2) Low Rate Fully Automatic. The weapon fires 100 rounds a minute, plus or minus 25 rounds. (3) High Rate Fully Automatic. The weapon fires 200 rounds a minute, plus or minus 25 rounds. Ammunition for these weapons is located in a storage bin mounted on the back of the armour that can be released if needed.

Volunteers are grafted into the armour through a series of complex operations using essentially the same technology as artificial limb replacement. The nerves and muscles are grafted onto sets of transmitters that really signals from the brain to the suit, giving the operator as much control over the suit as he/she would his/her own body. The limbs are hydraulically assisted, and at a run the Ubersoldat can reach speeds of 28 mpph on flat and clear terrain. Movement is slow in most Ubersoldats, but the longer a volunteer has been an Ubersoldat, the more time he has to get used to his new body.

The first Ubersoldat entered service 10 years after the start of the Project and formed part of Special Action Division. Production of Ubersoldats lead to the creation of the Ubersoldat Brigade, and numerous variants and improvements have been produced.

1. Version VB - Two mounted M242 Bushmasters, this is the mainstay of Ubersoldaten and accounts for 68% of currently operational Ubersoldaten.
2. Version VM - modular weaponry, two weapons slots that can house one of the following: chain gun, flamethrower, rocket launcher, chainsaw. Version VB Ubersoldaten can be converted into VMs

Research and development continues on the Project, most specifically into the field of Electrically charged armour.


Above: an Ubersoldat of Special Action Division

Military/Paramilitary Organisations - FT


Following the events of the Exodus, the Skgorrian military has been reformed drastically. The pattern of conscription has not changed significantly since the ancient days. All Skgorrian citizens and subjects between the ages of 18 and 24 must serve a minimum of two years in any branch of the Skgorrian armed forces, thought by volunteering many can secure a more favourable placement. There are a few possible reasons to delay or even be exempt from military service, but such cases must be presented to the nearest division commander in person. After service, citizens are bound to serve four weeks a year with their Reserve unit. Men remain on the reserve list until age 50, whilst women remain until age 35.

Now, as Skgorrians fight and die amongst the stars, it is the Air Force that has become the senior service and the most important. Rather than call it a 'Navy', the inherent convervatism built into Skgorrian society and the lack of a preexisting navy meant that the starships and fighters serve under the name of the Air Force. This designation has provided much confusion to outsiders, as the term 'Air Force' has either lapsed into history or means purely atmospheric fighter craft. The Army is still important, as without a large and strong ground force planets cannot be taken or held, but the majority of manpower in the Skgorrian military goes into the Air Force. The Storm Squad is still a key feature of the military, although its role and standing is now different.

The Air Force - as previously mentioned, the Air Force is now the senior service in the Skgorrian military. Recruitment posters and officers tell of a life of glamour, excitement and glory all lived out against the beautiful backdrop of space...though this is not the case.


Above - sizes of Star Destroyer-class vessels used by the Air Force