Maiko National Park

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Maiko National Park
Country Zaire
Total area 10,830 km²
Habitat types Closed evergreen rain forest, riverine forest, hill forest
Wildlife present
 - Endemic animals
 - Other important large animals

Grauer's gorilla, Okapi, Congo peacock
Forest elephant, chimpanzees, leopard, forest buffalo, giant forest hog

Maiko National Park is a Zairian national park located in Nord-Kivu, near the the town of Goma. Located in lush, unspoiled equatorial rain forest, the park's natural beauty is boundless. It is home to a great diversity of flora and fauna, including the unique okapi, a Zairian animal that is found in no other country on Earth. Created in 1970, the park has suffered from insufficient financial and technical support. Because of this, visitors are now rare, although the National Tourism Authority has recently advocated government funding to help construct facilities for tourists, hire armed patrols to protect the animals, and make other assorted improvements. Nevertheless, it remains unlikely that this will be heeded.