Photon Torpedoes

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Photon torpedoes are a missile weapon commonly seen in some NS nations. They employ deuterium and antideuterium as their explosive agents. They have a variable yield, adjusted by changing the amount of antimatter loaded before launch. They have navigation and both sublight and warp propulsion abilities of their own, and can thus track an enemy ship. Torpedoes can also be left at or sent to a location and placed on a proximity setting.

Empty photon torpedo cases have been for such varying purposes as burials at space, emergency travel and as cases for probes. This technology has undergone continual refinement.

Photon torpedoes In TFU

These are the yields of torpedoes in use by the Federal union.. They are much more powerful than normal torpedoes how ever transphaisic torpedoes are rarely used unless in a real combat situation, photon torpedoes began use in TFU around 2225 to supplement phasers and to replace ageing photonic /fusion torpedoes. In later years these torpedoes under went many upgrades, usually to pack a punch in an unstable galaxy. they are currently still in service by the union

  • Standard Photon torpedo yield (TFU):
    450 isotons ( 4.5 Gigatons )
  • Quantum torpedo yields /TFU 650 Isotons
    (6.5 Gigatons)
  • Standard Transphaisic torpedo yield TFU:
    950 isotons (9.5 Gigatons)
  • Standard flux plasma torpedo yield TFU:
    780 isotons (7.5 gigatons)
  • Sub space torpedoes:

On approximately Stardate 54700, Voyager detected a series of energy discharges 5.9 light years ahead of the ship. Long range sensors showed subspace radiation and metallic debris throughout the area, without revealing any apparent cause. The ship proceeded on course, but on reaching the area the crew encountered a series of guided weapons emerging from subspace and exploding all around. The detonations were extremely powerful, producing level 9 shock waves which damaged Voyager's warp drive even from hundreds of thousands of kilometres away.

Yeild : Unknown possibly in the teraton range Usage in TFU : Design extremely experimental no common usage planned ,in the near future .. only for rare use , extremely expensive to produce

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