Currency in Simtropolis

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The following are examples of nation currencies within the region of Simtropolis and are legal tender in their respected countries:

Asiatic Land

The currency in Asiatic Land is simply what you will see every single day in your life - H2O - or, water.


This will buy u something to eat...

Batheia Thalassa


Cache Valley

Centennial DDF




Llama Itza


Marceau State

Metropolitan Houston

New Tastbad

Rhodesia Newydd

The currency of New Rhodesia is the Ûnio, A single currency that is shared amongst other SCJU nations, including Dominea, Myon, Casanares, Whatcom, Alicante (St Marque Inlet), Privatt and Pacifia respectfully. New Rhodesia was given 2 special designs, the first being the ONE ÛNIO note (below) and the Û50 note.


Above: The front of the ONE ÛNIO note depicts Owain Glyndŵr on horseback, a very prominant and heroic leader in Welsh history, most obvious of all is the Welsh language addition to the notes, making the notes themselves distinctivly Celtic. The words: "Cymru, Gras a Dewrder" (Wales Grace and Courage), the New Rhodesian motto is clearly visible on the right, as well as the province emblem in the hologram.


Above: The back of the ONE ÛNIO depicts flags of all SCJU nations (at the time of press), as well as heavy but, unique usage of Welsh language and the translation into English.

New Rhodesia was awarded the first Earth Ûnio Mint in 2006, noticably here:


In this design proposal for the 2nd phase of the Ûnio, we can see the words "SCJU Central Bank, New Rhodesia Mint", the first time that the location of where the currency is printed has been seen. An obvious development here is that the dimensions of the unio note has also changed, however many features of the Dominean style have remained, due to the fact that the design is very appealing to many.



For more information, please visit this page: Schnab


Sim City 5000

The Digital Network

Twinkie eaters