Constitution of Roach-Busters

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The Constitution of Roach-Busters, written by Marshal J.L. and approved by the Political Bureau of the Patriot Party and the National Legislative Council by acclamation, enumerates the rights of citizens and designates, defines, and outlines the various responsibilities and powers the government holds. Critics allege that the government pays little heed to some provisions of the constitution, specifically those outlining the rights of citizens - but the government hotly contests these accusations. "J.L.ism" is officially enshrined as the national ideology by the constitution, and "deviationism" is regarded as a very serious constitutional offense. The constitution gives broad and sweeping powers to the presidency, into which nearly all power is vested, reducing the legislative and judicial branches to mere rubber-stamps and destroying any notion of separation of powers. Under the constitution he drafted, J.L. exercises strong control of the country.


We, the free people of Roach-Busters, in concordance with the ideals of the revolution of the 4th of June, 1990, do hereby establish this constitution, that we may ensure the maintenance of the prosperity and liberty enjoyed by ourselves and our posterity, and inaugurate the goals ordained by His Excellency Marshal J.L. and the revolution with which he united our people and forged us into a strong and unified sovereign nation.

Article I

Section 1

  • All citizens of Roach-Busters are equal before the law. No man or woman is above or below the law.
  • All citizens are, from birth to death, members of the sole institution of the country, the Patriot Party of Roach-Busters. As such, they are obliged to fully support, to the best of their ability, and defend, to the death if need be, the revolution, by whatever means deemed necessary by the chief of state.
  • All citizens are fully obliged to comply with the laws ordained by this constitution and to comply fully with enforcers of the law.

Section 2

  • The right to speak freely, to voice one's opinions of whatever nature, shall not be infringed, excepting the event of a national emergency or other event that may deem this right detrimental to the establishment and/or preservation of public security and order, and no speech advocating or promoting action against the state or dissent against the ideals of the revolution, shall be permitted.
  • The right to worship freely, to follow whatever religion one desires, shall not be infringed, excepting extremist religions or cults which promote or practice violence or lawlessness.
  • The right to own property and to defend property with whatever means deemed necessary, shall not be infringed, excepting the use of property to carry out and perform illegal transactions or harbor enemies of the state, and excepting property acquired by illicit and/or illegitimate means.
  • The right to keep and bear arms for self-defense shall not be infringed, excepting those charged and convicted of serious crimes or those suspected of being enemies of the state.
  • The right to marry whomever one wishes, provided both partners are human beings, at least 18 or older, and provided both partners fully consent to the union, shall not be infringed, unless infringement of this right is deemed necessary for the purpose of establishing and/or preserving public security and order.
  • The right to privacy shall not be infringed, excepting cases pertinent to national security.
  • Discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion, social or economic status, sexual orientation, nation of origin, etc., is prohibited. Violations of a citizen's rights on the basis of one or more of these factors is strictly prohibited and grounds for prosecution.
  • The right to travel freely, within and without the country, shall not be infringed, excepting individuals deemed a threat to law, order, and society.
  • The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people, unless deemed necessary by the head of state for reasons pertinent to national security.