Fear-class space superiority carrier

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Fear-class space superiority carrier

The Fear-class SSC is currently in active service with the Commonality Space Force. It is generally deployed as part of a Battlegroup - there are two Fear-class or Fear-X-class SSCs assigned to each Stellar Battlegroup inside the CSF structure.

The Fear-X-class variable features improved combat-landing facilities, enhanced electronic warfare capabilities, and improved command & control systems.

Neither of the two variants on this class carry offensive weapons, but are instead limited to the protection provided by their attendant space superiority assets, and their point-defence electron flux grids. They are known to have previously been exceedingly vulnerable to close-range particle cannon fire; however, recent advances in Commonality technology may mean that all of this class have now been upgraded to include small, primitve versions of the retro-engineered Barrier Device.