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Date of Birth
1 Ender 5112 R.C.I (27 September 1953)
Place of Birth
Political Affilliation
im-Bashi Loyalist
Position in Empire
The Astaramin

The Astaramin Ithilbor, (born Aratur Thranduilion Felagund) was raised in Imladris. In 5157 R.C.I. the then twenty-six year old Aratur was appointed to the rank of Astaramin by her Her Majesty, the Empress, after the unexpected death of the elder Astaramin Ithimhar.

The Duties of the Astaramin the Harbinger is that he will conduct the marriage ceremony and funeral ceremony of the Sovereign, aslo the Asatarim is the main Priest during all religious ceremonies, rites, and traditions. In religious matters, only the Sovereign is above him.