Constitution of the United Kingdom of Eurasia

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The Constitution of the United Kingdom of Eurasia, written in it's entirety below, is the primary part of Eurasia's constitutional law, though there are some parts of the constitution that have yet to be codified. Please note this is not comprehensive, and many procedures are in the uncodified part of the constitution. Furthermore, bear in mind that in the modern era, the powers of the Sovereign are now ceremonial at best.


The People of the United Kingdom of Eurasia:

Inspired by the cultural, libertarian and humanist inheritance of Eurasia, from which have sprung the universal values of the inviolable and inalienable rights of the human person, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law,

Believing that Eurasia, reunited after bitter experiences, intends to continue along the path of civilisation, progress and prosperity, for the good of all its inhabitants, including the weakest and most deprived; that it wishes to remain a continent open to culture, learning and social progress; and that it wishes to deepen the democratic and transparent nature of its public life, and to strive for peace, justice and solidarity throughout the world,

Determined to provide for the welfare of all Eurasians, to secure the blessings of liberty, and to provide for the common defence,

Have ordained the following constitution of the United Kingdom of Eurasia.

Article I

Section I

All legislative powers shall be vested in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Eurasia, which shall comprise both a House of Commons and a House of Lords.

Section II

The House of Commons shall be composed of Members of Parliament elected every four years by the People of each Eurasian province. Each province shall recieve precisely ten seats in the House of Commons.

No individual may obtain the position of a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons without at least obtaining the age of twenty years, or without being a citizen of Eurasia for seven years, or without being a resident in the province that he represents in the House of Commons.

Section III

The House of Lords shall be composed of Members of Parliament appointed by the Sovereign. The number of individuals in this Chamber may not exceed three-fourths the number of Parliamentary Members in the House of Commons.

No individual may obtain the position of a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons without at least obtaining the age of twenty years, or without being a citizen of Eurasia for seven years, or without being a Peer of the Realm, or without having invaluable expertise contributing to the sucess of this Government.

Section IV

The method and location for the Elections of Members of Parliament for both Houses is wholly within the purview of the provinces. However, all elections must happen on the same date, that date to be determined by the National Government of Eurasia.

Section V

All legislation regarding Taxation and wholly economic affairs must start in the House of Commons. Legislation may originate from either House, each of which recieve the full powers of veto. However, if the Lords veto a piece of legislation, the Commons may revote on the legislation. If a two-thirds supermajority is achieved in the Commons, then the House of Lords shall be overriden in their veto, and the legislation will be passed onto the Sovereign for the Royal Assent.

The House of Lords may not delay voting or debating upon an economic piece of legislation for one month, nor may they veto legislation that was promised under the ruling party's manifesto.

Section VI

After a General Election occurs, the Party with the Majority in the House of Commons shall create a Cabinet to lead the Government.