Temple of Kossos the Great

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The Temple of Kossos the Great was a religiounes/memorial structure in Peleunevenia,built by king Oauld I. in the memory of Kossos the Great ,the founder of the house of Kossos. Today,its location is unclear,although modern scholars like Dr. Ali Brown suggest that the ruins at Glostheum are the temples last remains.

The temple honored Kossos the Great as its chief deity and it was the central place of sacrifice to this King and it later became the Kings personel chapel,although it was abandoned since the time of Ethee X. .The last historical record is the nomination of a priest to this temple by Paath III. in 250,although local sources indicate that this position was a mere titulary honorific by then.

High Priests:

  • Under the King directly 200's BC-200's AD