Arnabyazi Republic

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The Arnabyazi Republic was a replacement state,succeeding the Arnabyazi Empiere in 1921, when Allos Moushidi deposed the Emperor Shah Ali III. of Arnabyazi .

One of the main historical significances of this state was the teritorial dispute with Desh in 1933,over the city of Karnokopul .The republic argued that the Hasooda,the Arnabyazi state ethnicity,are dominant in that city and that it should belong to the republic,however Desh argues that the city has been a part of Desh since 1002.The republic took action and invaded Karnokopul on 6th May 1934,yet acting contrary to its role of "liberator",publicly shooting over 50 peacfull,unarmed protesters.Desh reacted with invasion of Arnabyazi's capital Agnakorum ,then called "President City" (Päesh Priaeysidaed).The conflict was resolved with the Peace treaty of 12th May 1934,in witch Karnokopul is permanently asigned to Desh.

The republic came into public atention by creating many "independant" states for the local ethnics,akin to South Africa's bantustan's.These were:

The republic was eventualy overturned by a monarchist revolution in 1956,witch ended with reincorporation into Arnabyazi.