Skgorrian Youth Legion

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Skgorrian Youth Legion
Nationality Skgorrian
Role Indoctrination and Organisation of the Youth
Operational Strength Exact numbers are unknown, membership numbers in the tens of millions
Base of Operations Headquarters - Skgorria City, Central Skgorria
Motto The Children Are Our Race's Future And Hope
Founding Date First founding in January 1942, reformed in January 1990
Commanding Officer The Fuhrer


The Skgorrian Youth Legion enrolls all children from the age of 5 up until they are 18 years old. The Youth Legion serves as the NSP's main tool of control over the youth, and allows the children of Skgorria to be brought up according to the wishes of the NSP. Membership is compulsory.


The Youth Legion was formed in 1941 after the German conquest of the then-Brzno after advice from Berlin to Olgich Peter. Modelled on the German Hitler Youth, the organisation was in theory meant to indoctrinate and educate children in the ways of National Socialism, though as the war dragged on and defeat grew nearer, the Youth Legion became another tool for mobilising manpower for the defence of Brzno and the NSBPP. Like the SS, the organisation was banned by the Soviets and its leaders and prominent members were incarcerated or executed.


Above: Skgorrian Youth Legion members, 1941.

The Youth Legion was reformed at the same time as the SS during the War Of Seperation, although in the chaos of the war the Youth Legion was little more than a pro-Nazi child militia that would aid in duties such as fire-fighting and stretcher-bearing. After the conclusion of the war in March 1994, the Youth Legion was officially reformed along with the SS in a grand ceremony in Skgorria City.

Recruitment Criteria

These are the official criteria for joining the Youth Legion:

Must be no younger than 5 years of age but not yet 18.

Must be of pure European or European decent.

No blood lines to that of Jewish or non-white races.

Males and Females both can join.

Cannot be using drugs, smoking, or drinking.

In theory, any children that do not match these criteria cannot join. This also happens to be the practice, and such children are either re-educated or exterminated.

Aims And Objectives

The motto of the Skgorrian Youth Legion is 'The Children Are Our Race's Future And Hope' and the Youth Legion follows this in several ways. Legionnaires are dressed and ranked in a similar manner to the SS to instill discipline, and are educated in military tactics and other aspects of fieldcraft, meaning that by the time Skgorrian children enter military service they already have a basic understanding of military life and methods. The Youth Legion also instructs and informs its members in the doctrine of the Iron Rule and National Socialism, providing education on the evils of the Zionist-Bolshevik conspiracy.


Above: Members of the Skgorrian Youth Legion relax after an informal meeting. This meeting was a "Non-Uniform" meeting, hence why the two Legionnaires are not in uniform.

The Aims and Objectives are laid out more clearly in "The Legion's Creed"

The Legion's Creed

The Legion's Creed sets out the goals and ideas of the Youth Legion. All Legionaires have to memorise the Creed, recite it at the start and end of every meeting or rally. All Legionaires must carry a copy of the Creed with them when in uniform or at a meeting or rally, and must produce it on demand.

The Creed reads as follows:

A Legionnaire is a young man or woman whose love for their European heritage and Nation drives them to be better members of their families, neighborhoods and Nation through the creed of National Socialism.

A Legionnaire strives to excel in all aspects of life, in school, in sports, in their community, and any others.

A Legionnaire also has a concern for the cleanliness of their neighborhoods, parks, and environment. Cleaning up trash in parks, neighborhoods, roadsides, recycling and removal of graffiti are just a few things we Legionnaires endeavour in.

A Legionnaire learns and embraces their rich European heritage. Learning such things as native languages, genealogy, history, and customs ensure that they do not become lost to our future generations. This is a cornerstone of the Skgorrian Youth Legion.

A Legionnaire is an example to his or her peers. The Legion Creed is part of the Legionnaire's life, all that he or she does, or does not do is based on the Legion Creed.

A Legionnaire is, above all, the future of our ancient heritage. The link between our past and our future and the ones who carry on where their ancestors left off.


The Skgorrian Youth Legion is organised into local cells on a community level. Such cells have weekly meetings at which various Nazi doctrines are taught by adult Youth Legion leaders. Regional Youth Legion leaders are instructed to organise rallies and field exercises in which several dozen Youth Legion cells can participate. The largest Youth Legion gathering usually occurs once a year at Skgorria, where Youth Legion members from all over Skgorria converge on the plains outside of Skgorria City along with citizens and the military for the annual Skgorrian National Socialist Party rally.

The Skgorrian Youth Legion also maintains training academies comparable to preparatory schools. Such academies are considered breeding grounds for future Nazi Party leaders, and only the most radical and devoted Youth Legion members could expect to attend.

Several corps of the Youth Legion are dedicated solely to training members who wish to become officers in the Army, Air Force or SS. Such groups devoted themselves entirely to officer training in the particular field to which a Legionnaire hopes to become an officer.

(Credit to Wikipedia for providing the basis of this section)

A Second Army?

There is a pressing argument amongst some that the Youth Legion could serve as a 'Second Army' in the event of an invasion and could fight alongside the regular forces. It is true that the Youth Legion has access to modern fighting equipment, as Legionnaires train with AK-74 assualt rifles and the few Armoured Youth Legions drive T-95 tanks and BMP-3 APCs. The Legionnaires are also subjected to intensive training and most Legionnaires have a fair grasp of military tactics and routine, particularly the older cadets. Some of the Legionnaires in their final year are selected to form Babykiller Division, a division-sized reserve formation whose rank and file are entirely comprised of Youth Legion members.


Above: A Youth Legionnaire crawls through the mud during a weekend infantry exercise.

However, one must remember that the Legionnaires are only children and not as physically or mentally capable as adults. In addition, not all actitivities undertaken by the Youth Legion are military in nature, and that Legionnaires do not get as much training as regular soldiers.