The Battle of Perpendiculum

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The Battle of Perpendiculum SRSC Battle Report.

Hey guys

last time around I messed up on the Battle report, it took me an hour at work, but it was not up to the usual standards and centred around the SRSC too much. This story will be along exactly the same lines as the previous report, however more focus will be delivered to all parties. Thus I am conducting an experiment to save the same sort of thing happening again. This is also because I cannot possibly collate all relevant information in the sparse opportunities I have to write. So here's the deal.

I will write the narrative and construct the storyline. HOWEVER now heres the good part. I will leave the story entirely up to you to manipulate. This means if I leave a part ambiguous, either on purpose or by accident then it will be up to you to modify it or notify me. This means if something I write isnt what you think your nation would do then simply change it rather than sending angry telegrams saying "wtf you idiot we dont do that" for example. Also I will leave ship names and captains blank or of a generic title. If I get descriptions wrong then again change them, I really dont mind, its quite hard to remember all details of all nations involved at any one time without having to drag through wiki. As long as the story stays the same I dont care, obviously if you want to edit anything relating to Super Rome then that comes through me. Hopefully this way we will have a kick ass Battle Report that we can most importantly: All agree on.

So here is the FIRST DRAFT. (Things will be shakey to begin with, modify accordingly.)

Ill put these links here so people can navigate to their wiki more easily

Super Rome



Friendly Aliens

The Battle of Perpendiculum

The Battle of Perpendiculum, so named by the Super Roman government, is the greatest recorded orbital victory for the Allied Powers to date. After the collapse of the Council, the threat of Perpendiculum and its Axis Powers was at its peak whereas democratic nations had become dramatically isolationist and eager to consolidate their own borders. However a military Space Alliance was formed of the nations Super Rome, Roudland and Kegmenistan, the three now coined Hyperpowers and with them came the armed ranks of the Aliens, mighty in stature and proud. This formed the essential core of the Confederation Fleet. Perpendicular attempts to control space over the Alliance had to be thwarted since the consequences would have been disastrous. Below is an account formed from the battle reports of all nations involved.

The Perpendicular Fleet had taken shelter behind the Alliance moon, lying in anticipation for the Walschland armada. The ships of Kegmenistan remained alone in high orbit over the Western continent. The Kegmenistani fleet had hastily been scrambled and were awaiting Allied reinforcements in the guise of Roman and Roudland vessels. Aliens vessels were already inbound.

Assembled from Kegmenistan Battle Reports and ship data.

The bridge of the Ira had been silent for over two hours, with radio silence maintained and encrypted channels utilised only for reasons of utmost importance. Therefore when the bridge commander, shaken from his chair, startled, and looking for the cause of his fright, realised that the Alien ships had approached sooner than expected and had commenced close fly-by formations around the Ira, he ordered the port launch bay be opened. The lead Alien fighter landed in the launch bay, indicating to the rest of the fighters to maintain formation. Upon meeting the Alien Wing Commander the Kegmenistan Commander stood in awe at its size. “Good news” said the Alien, “War is coming, and with it peace for our brothers and sisters.”

The Roudland fleet of 9 Conciliator vessels had left dock at 09:00 and estimated their arrival at 11:00. The Commander had ordered a systems blackout upon recommendation of the Super Roman government. Walschland vessels were known to strafe the area in the hope of releasing anti-capital ship mines, as had been witnessed after the destruction of the Roman arms supply frigate Helicon. It had been hoped that by powering down fleets in transit such tactics could be averted. Many within the Roudland crew were uneasy at the prospect of falling under the jurisdiction of the Roman fleet and it was widely known the Kegmenistanian military was not best pleased either. However to defeat this vast enemy co-operation was desperately needed, especially since ground forces had endured severe setbacks. There was no short victorious war this time around.

The Roman Fleet currently standing at 45 vessels was for the majority engaged over the Alliance, supporting Roman troops currently occupying the larger Perpendiculum cities. As such the space fleet offered by Super Rome was depleted, many of the Siege Class Titans were regarded as essential to overall success, hence remained over hostile territory. The Insuperable, the Flagship of the Roman Fleet was immediately recalled from ground operations to lead the Confederation fleet, so named by the Roman government. SRSC Unity, at the time, the largest of the SR vessels was en route to join the Kegmenistan contingent alongside the entire Overlord fleet. However the arrival of the Phoenix, Galaxy and Sovereign Class Titans would be of a more sporadic nature.

However at this time another major operation had been launched in an attempt to recover the stolen Gothrian vessels, now believed to be stationary behind the Alliance moon. Friendly Aliens boarders and Super Roman Helljumper and Spartan regiments had once again combined to ensure the success of a covert mission. Within Super Rome the SRSC Nebula Class Titans, the Fearless and Watchman were being outfitted for the operation “Lunar Storm”. The strike force comprised of two hundred Spartans and an equal number of Alien Special Forces. The plan was to approach the Gothrian vessels, stolen from SRSC shipyards, and by avoiding detection, lead a surprise attack upon the vessels and activating a systems lockdown, rendering the vessels useless to Perpendicular forces. When the vessels were given the all clear for launch the massive fusion engines roared into life and carried the 900m long vessel into the atmosphere and out into space. The two vessels bypassed the Kegmenistan Fleet in geostationary orbit and began the 2 day journey to the moon.

Within a day the Roudland Fleet had assembled alongside the Ira and its Kegmenistan allies. Only three SRSC vessels, the Decere, Intimidator and Pacifier had thus far arrived. Many vessels were still occupied over Perpendiculum, the SRSC was spread too thin over such a large country and hence were not set to arrive for a least another two days. Meanwhile the Perpendiculum fleet had mobilised and were reported to be moving from the shadow of the moon. Fears that this was a sign of possible Walschland activity were raised and it became imperative that the Confederation fleet assemble in its entirety as quickly as possible.

The Master Chief commanded the Lunar strike force and it was his responsibility to ensure that the Gothrian ships were to play no part in the inevitable battle. His team would be team Blue, the crew under Spartan 313 on the Fearless would be the Red team. Two hours remained before RN contact. Pelican Dropships were to be used to perform raids and provide distraction while Longsword fighters would provide covering fire for the Albatross Dropships intended to dock and board the Gothrian undesignated vessels. The Alien Special Forces were divided accordingly and were appointed their own leaders since the Chief did not wish to impede on the pride of such distinguished species. However the Alien forces were to remain in contact and obey the direct orders of the Chief, how they accomplished their goals was none of his concern. The rest of the Spartans suited up and mad ready their weapons. Though they were facing a shadow crew, the Roman forces were taking no chances, the Roman built vessels had had a significant time to be modified under Perpendicular leadership. There was no way of telling what traps and subterfuge lie ahead.