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In the Future Tech Universe of NationStates, the Tetriarchon Sovereignty or the Tetriarcons are a humanoid race from the northern fringe of the Solarium Galaxy. They defend their world of Tetriarch as well as the galaxy from the Kraeton menace. They are known for their zealous attitude, war-like honour, psychic powers, and their powerful technology.



Tetriarchons have many distinctive differences from other races in the universe. The first main difference is that they have three genders. Athough there are three genders, they still need at least two (The Vayaoyou and an impregnative gender)

- Taryou: This is the main impregnative gender. Taryou are bigger that the other races. Their strength is in their upper body and many Taryou become soldiers and learn their martial arts of Taryou Yauvatarchyao (The Taryou Way of Fist).

- Vayaoyou: This is the carrier gender of the Tetriarchons. They are middle-size with very strong legs. Vayaoyou can become soldiers as war is an honour granted to all Tetriarchons. Their form of martial arts is called Vayaoyou Takarch (The Vayaoyou Way of the Foot).

- Kataryou: This is the secondary impregnative gender of the Tetriarchons. Kataryou are known for their thin, lithe bodies and their incredible agility. Kataryou are also the only gender that has a prehenstile tail. Many Kataryou are employed as assassins or bodyguards. These soldiers are taught Kataryou Kanhaoarch (The Kataryou Way of the Body).

Depending on who impregnates the Vayaoyou will choose what gender the Tetriarchon will be, so it is guaranteed that the Vayaoyou will be in the genepool. This is why the Vayaoyou generally outnumber the others 2:1:1. The Kataryou is actually a mutation in the sex chromosomes of the Tetriarchons that happened hundreds of thousands of years ago.


Although the genders have varying body shapes, all Tetriarchons have a general body structure that goes for all genders. First, all Tetriarchons have 3 fingers and a thumb. They also have 3 toes and a prehensile big toe that allows many of them to climb trees and grasp onto things. Tetriarhons do not have noses. Instead, they have two slits on the sides of their neck similar to gills. There are two olfactory pits on their face where the nose would be where they can sense smells and tastes.

Like humans, skin colour varies from region to region. Many Tetriarchons are from the arid parts of the planet and are a dark blue colour. Jungle Tetriarchons are a dark green shade. Tundra Tetriarchons are a light grey colour and mountain Tetriarchons are a dark shade of brown. Hair is similar to humans and can be straight, wavy, curly, and spikey. Many grow dreadlock-type hair naturally. This is a common fashion for the Kataryou. Vayaoyou have long hair or wear ponytails. Taryou are either bald or have a ponytail with a shaved head. Nobles have their hair in lavish hairdos that can take hours to make.

The average height of a Taryou is 6' 6". The average height for the Vayaoyou is 6' 3". The Katar are the shortest, averaging in at 5' 10". Body proportions vary amongst genders but here they are:

Taryou: Armspan = 4/3 body height, Legs = half the body length, head = 1/8 of body Vayaoyou: Armspan = 2/3 body height, Legs = 5/8 the body length, head = 1/8 of body Kataryou: Armspan = body height, Legs = half the body length, head = 3/16 of body

Eye colours vary from all the colours of the spectrum. Cooler colors like blue, green, and purple are dominant genes while hotter colours such as red and orange are recessive.

Psychic Abilities

Many Tetriachons are born with psychic abilities known as the Gift of Tetria. They are called Psykarchs. These special individuals are trained at a young age to use their powerful abilites for many uses, from communication (Orchestriarchs) to navigation (Patharchs) and to the warriors (Templarchs). There are many levels of Psykarchs.

- Basic: All Psykarchs begin as this level except the Avatarch

- Magus: These are special Psykarchs that are used for communication and navigation

- Risen

- Advent

- Avatarch

Many Tetriarchons are basic and can do menial tasks with their abities. All Psykarchs start like this escept the Avatarch.