Spectral Colonialism

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From around 1500 to around 1900 there was a large surge among western Spectrites for exploration and settlement of the east of the Spectrum. One of most obvious signs of the Spectrum's colonial past is Calumnius's Socialist Colony of Calumnius, one of the Spectrum's last surviving outlying dependencies.

History of Spectral Colonialism

Early Years

The east had remained largely unexplored for most of the Spectrum's western nations, it was Enthalpian Henry Joules who first sailed East in 1503 searching for a new route to I Know Better Than You, one of the most Eastern known nations at the time to Western Spectrites. The new proposed route would cut trade times from Enthalpy Change to I Know Better Than You by several months. The new route was not to be however as a couple of months after setting sail Joules was still sailing east. Joules had assumed another river system, like the synaptic gulf would be found that led to I Know Better Than You. While eventually Joules was found posthumously correct when a passage was found, the passage was much further north and east than Joules had anticipated. Joules first landed in the nation now known to be Adoggo to collect supplies. It was the first landing of a western Spectrite on eastern soil. Joules attempted to communicate with natives but unintentionally gave them a death sentence as he carried with him western diseases unknown to the natives. Joules set sail again eventually finding a large sea which he assumed to be the beginning of his searched for river system. He soon learnt that the river system was actually a large sea however. Joules next landed in Domas-Porada but was immediately attacked by natives and quickly set sail after losing many sailors.

to be continued