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The Principality of Wilhelmsborough

[[Image:[url=http://www.imagepup.com][img]http://www.imagepup.com/up/uLOI_1175611842_crest for coat of arms3.GIF[/img][/url]]]

“Take not thy Thunder from us but take away our Pride.”

Location: Crimean Peninsula Capital City: Yalta

Territories: -The Former Rogue State of Machinist (Tubuai) -The Former Rogue State of OA Boy Scouts (Jaluit Atoll) -The Azores Island Chain -New Caledonia -Isle of Pines -Loyalty Islands -Belep Islands -Huon Islands

Prince William Kennedy the 1st - Sovereign

Minister of Defense- General Salazar T. Sherman Minister of Agriculture- Maria Donnovich Minister of the Interior- George Carroll


Nicoli Trotsky- General of the Army Salazar T. Sherman- General of the Air Force Vittorio Augustine- Admiral of the Navy

The Birth of the Principality

In May of the year 2000, 22 year-old William “Liam” Kennedy, a recent graduate of a small liberal arts college in Western Massachusetts, decided to take a year off and backpack across Europe.

He traveled across Europe from starting from Dublin, Ireland, and then Britain before moving into Continental Europe. He visited The Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Monaco, and Italy before moving into the former Eastern Bloch. It was around August of 2000 that Liam arrived in the Crimean Peninsula, which was under the control of the Ukrainian government. There he planned to visit Sevastopol and Yalta before continuing north towards Germany.

But fate had another plan in store.

On August 22nd, as Liam was touring the shipyards of Sevastopol, several explosions took place in major cities around the world. This was followed by multiple rebellions by the world military forces. Governments suddenly began to collapse as their nations started to tear themselves apart.

That day in August was the beginning of the Worldwide Revolution, a conflict that completely redrew the world political map into its current form.

Even a tourist like Liam could not escape the conflict. He and several other international tourists were captured by Crimean Revolutionaries and forced to fight with them. Liam Kennedy, who had never held a gun in his life, was now a soldier.

Liam fought under the Crimean’s for two months. But when the leaders of the revolution found that the young American had a college education, they pulled him from the front lines and had him work in a leadership position. As time went on, Liam learned the ins and outs of leadership and rose steadily through the ranks, with reach level gaining more power and more resources.

Eventually, after eight months, Liam became the second in command to the leader of the rebellion. He held that position for four months, until an assassin's bullet took the life of the leader, leaving Liam in charge in charge of the rebellion.

But the young American had learned much as a soldier and as a leader. He quickly took charge of the rebellion and led it on to achieve total control over the Crimean Peninsula.

Eventually, fighting around the world ceased as the revolutionaries established a firm grip on their acquired territories. The rebellion was over. Crimea was now its own country. And Liam was in control of it.

In his new leadership position Liam founded the government of the Principality of Wilhelmsborough. Liam declared himself Prince William the First and became the absolute ruler of the fledgling nation.

Six years later, the Principality of Wilhelmsborough has grown into a powerful nation. With control over the Azores and New Caledonia, the Principality is becoming a world power, with an ever-growing military force. There are still many battles to be fought and evil nations to be faced, but Prince William is will be ready to face this challenge head on.

Militia Groups of Wilhelmsborough

The nation of Wilhelmsborough was formed during the Worldwide Revolution in which the political map was altered into its current form. Revolutionary leader William Kennedy united the citizens of Crimea under the banners of Liberty, Equality, and Progress. Under Kennedy’s leadership, order returned to the Crimean Peninsula as a new nation was founded. It would be known as the Principality of Wilhelmsborough, and William Kennedy would be its royal sovereign.

But as Prince William consolidated his power, the citizenry grew worried. During the revolution, they had followed Kennedy because he promised liberty and progress. Yet such things seemed to be contradicted by William’s decision to make himself Prince. Prince William realized the people’s worries and moved quickly to instate a flurry of educational, health care, and environmental edicts in order to placate them. This only made the people more worried. As William was Prince and Sovereign, and therefore not subject to any checks and balances, the people feared that just as quickly as he could issue these edicts, he could rescind them just as fast.

Prince William wasn’t one to give up any of his political power so quickly. But seeing that his edicts were having little effect in swaying public opinion, he devised a last-ditch effort of legislation to placate the people’s worries once and for all. The result was a set of Amendments known as “Citizen Laws.”

Citizen Laws are laws that the government (namely Prince William) is required to observe and obey, should it have the support of its citizenry. Just as the government creates rules that the people must obey, the Citizen Laws are rules created by the people that the government must obey. And just as government uses the military and the police to enforce these laws and protect the state, the people use armed militias to protect the people and ensure that the government follows the Citizen Laws.

The Citizen Laws are basically promises that the Prince made to the people of Wilhelmsborough. These promises touch upon several subjects, such as care of the sick and the poor, the environment, and education. But the most notorious and oft-quoted section of these laws lies right at the beginning with the following text:

“It is the right of the citizenry of Wilhelmsborough to form political lobbying groups and/or militias, in order to more easily protect and defend their interests.”

With just twenty-seven words, the history of the Principality would be forever changed. Almost immediately, armed militia groups began springing up. Today, there are so many militia groups, that it’s extremely difficult to keep track of them all. Some of them are small, with only a dozen to a couple hundred members. Others are large and expansive, with hundreds of thousands of members filling the ranks. It’s not uncommon to see a bit of overlay, with one person belonging to several different militias at once.

These groups serve various causes, some trivial, some significant. Their range of influence spans from dark basements to entire neighborhoods and cities. They are all led by self-styled leaders who give themselves high-ranking titles such as “Field Marshal” or “Secretary General.” These titles usually do not reflect any formal military or leadership experience as most leaders are self-appointed.

There are however, several militia groups that are well-armed, well-organized, and have capable and effective leadership. The capabilities of some groups are said to rival that of the Wilhelmsborough Army. Some might consider that a threat to Prince Williams hold on power, but it is usually the case that other militia groups are able to prevent or intimidate each other from doing something incredibly stupid that might endanger all the militia groups in the Principality.

There is a secret ulterior motive as to why Prince William allowed the formation of these paramilitary groups. If it were the case that the nation was at war and foreign soldiers found their way onto Principality soil, then these militia groups would be forced to act in defense of the country, alongside the soldiers.