Jumper Trooper

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Jumper Troopers are a specialised infantry type deployed by the armed forces of the Republic Of Germanistan. They are utilized in air-to-air combat aswell as as shock troops against fortified enemy positions. Jump Troops are equipped with a rocket pack and melee weapons. They use their rocket packs to jump off an airborne unit (usually, they are deployed from the Heligardia flying fortress) and cross distances of several hundred meters before the pack is exhausted. If they reached their target succesfully, they then use their neko-te-like grappling claws to cling to the target aircraft's hull and tear holes in it. Their grappling claws are then used as weapons against the crew of the aircraft. As a desperate measure, they also resort to attacking their enemies by flying into them with a rocket boost.

A soldier of this class must be in perfect physical condition to grapple onto a flying aircraft and demolish it in flight, as well as successfuly using a simple melee weapon against enemy troops armed with firearms. These soldiers receive special training in close combat, and only the best are picked for this class.

Thrust Duration:

  • 30 seconds

Lift Weight:

  • 90 kilograms, maximum


  • 2 Nekote grappling claws

Control System:

  • Trigger button for activation of rocket thrust, no directional control

Cost per Unit:

  • 125,000 G-Credits


  • Extremely Rare