Grimzag Deathjaw

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Warchief Grimzag Deathjaw

Grimzag Deathjaw is the legendary leader of Dregruk's military, a man with a fierce temper, tank-like build and a thirst for violence. Despite the fact that he is, essentially, a field-marshall, a job that would normally restrict a man to a mere desk-job, Grimzag is often (Nearly always) found at the forefront of major battles and campaigns. His reputation for "Just keeping going" has made his presence at any battlefield one of awe and sheer terror.

Grimzag Deathjaw
Full name and title:
Warchief Grimzag Deathjaw of Dregruk
6 feet 10 inches
"Only one of us is getting out of here alive, and if I'm going down, I'm taking you all with me!"


The life of Grimzag is largely unknown, partly because he just "appeared" in the army decades ago. To this day, no birth records or any other kind of proof of his existence before then has been found. He spearheaded several major campaigns in his early days of the army, making him the obvious choice as Warchief. Since then, he has launched dozens of successful campaigns, often leading his men into battle personally.

However, there have been many attempts to kill him in recent years, most notably the attempts by Satansoft Inc. (Which tried to instigate a war between Dregruk and Slutbum Wallah), a mysterious figure known only as "Django Lobo" and the Dregrukian billionaire Giarc LaGord.


Grimzag is never goes anywhere without his trusty pair of Desert Eagle handguns. He has been known to have a liking of heavy weaponry like miniguns.


Grimzag is a very anti-social person; he only ever is on decent terms with men he fought alongside in major campaigns. He also has remarkable strength and durability, able to take several bullets and keep fighting. This is emphasised by the glint of absolute determination and hate in his eyes when he's in the thick of a battle. Whether or not he's a madman or just a really good soldier remains to be seen.