Military Structure of Nag Ehgoeg

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Chain of Command

Regent Supremus - Archimedes Malfisto (Emmanulas), Ultimate control over the armed forces Vice Procer - Demitrius Malfisto (Emmanulas), Authority to act on the Regent's behalf


S-10) General of the Army - Agageldy Mametgeldiyev, Authority over all Army ranks

A Turkmen Nagian who rose to the rank of General for distinguished service to the country. Schooled as an officer from a young age, Mametgeldiyev is a consummate military mind, credited with the success of the Texerado campaign.

C-9) Polkovnik General of Alpha Corps - Dr. Samael Malfisto, Command over Alpha Corps (1.5 million men)

A mixed race Malfisto born into a proud military family. Known to champion the extensive use of technology to support the military, and widely credited for Nag Ehgoeg's modernisation of the armed forces.

C-8) Lieutenant General of Corps Number One - Matthew Hullum, Command over Corps Number One, (1.5 million men)

Despite commanding the same number of men, and the fact that both Corps commanders report directly to Mametgeldiyev, Hullum is of a techniqually lower rank than his counter part. This might be in part due to the fact that his championed battle style is to throw wave after wave of his men at the enemy, grinding them to death in a wave of bodies.

L-7) Major General

Each Major General commands a Division of five Brigades (500,000 men, the standard Nagian division size). The six serving Major Generals are:

Division I, Alpha Corps) Lenard Burns: A career soldier who worked his way up from the rank of Private First Class. Burns maintains excessive connections to other branches of the Nagian military, which causes mixed feelings among the men under his command. Division II) Lavernius Emmanulas: A Nagian of Carribean decent, Lavernius is a notorious womaniser, a fact that makes gives him mixed popularity. Division II is charged with the defence of the central Nag Ehgoeg and often finds itself struggling against a lack of funds. Division III) Dr. Natalia Ismalov: The highest ranking female officer in the army, Natalia's Division is charged with the defence of Syntha Prime itself. Natalia is a hard nosed, no-nonsense woman who does not suffer fools lightly. Division IV, Corps Number One) Gustavo Sorola: Gustavo is widely hated by his peers but loved by his superiors. His military career is distinguished, in fact his men are recently expanded Nag Ehgoeg's North Eastern boarder well into Asia proper. Division V) Vladimir Dzhugashvili: A people's man, Vladimir is beloved by those under his command - officer and grunt alike. Vladimir cares deeply for those under his command, and is a passionate man. Since the dissolution of parliament, Vladimir's loyalties have come under wide suspicion, but (for the time being at least) he is starchly loyal to the Regent. Division VI) Dr. Stephan Malfisto: Stephan Malfisto is the most recently appointed Major General in the Nagian Army, seceding Ekaterina Solaravic who defected during the civil war. An unremarkable officer many believe (rightly so) that Stephan was promoted more for his name than his military capability. Time whether his military abilities are up to scratch.

L-6) Brigadier General/Polkovnik

Under each Major General serves five Polkovnik command a Brigade (100,000 men, ten Battalions).

L-5) Colonel/Podpolkovnik

Battalion's (ten Companies, 10,000 men) are commanded by Podpolkovnik.

O-4) Captain

Companies (ten Platoons, 1,000 men) are commanded by Captains.

O-3) Lieutenant

Platoons (10 squads, 100 men) are commanded by Lieutenants.

E-2) Sergeant

Sergeants command ten man squads.

E-1) Corporal

Corporals act as the second in command for to the Sergeant.

R-0) Private

The grunts in the Nagian Army.

The army ranks from R-0 to O-4 are sub-divided into First, Second and Third class.

Special Forces

The structure of the Special Forces is best explained from the bottom up.

At the bottom of the structure are Marines, the next rank up is Corporal and the rank above that is Sergeant. Sergeants lead squads, usually with a Corporal as a second in command. A standard eight man squad of Special Forces is known as a Lance, but Special Forces formations are rarely standard rather they are usually tailor made to serve a specific purpose. Thus a squad may number anywhere between 3 and 13. Unusually sized squads are known as Spears. Exactly three Lances, or between two and five Spears, form a Trident. The sergeant leading the Trident takes the title of Archon. Seven Tridents form an Atlatl, the most senior Archon taking the title of Praetor.

Larger formations of Special Forces are known as Alliances. An Alliance is designated by the number of Atlatl it is comprised of - an A-50 contains 50 Atlatl, an A-4 contains four Atlatl. Alliances are provided over by a Generalissimo.

The Generalissimo report directly to The General of the Special Forces (currently, Demitrius Malfisto).


S-10) Chief Marshal of aviation - Ezekiel Malfisto C-9) Polkovnik General of aviation - Rahu Malfisto C-8) Lieutenant General of aviation - Alp Gyarmati, Virhor Pyragy, Sara Häzir L-7) Major General of aviation - Jonathan Grigor, David Goldberg, Ivan Vladamir L-6) Polkovnik of aviation L-5) Podpolkovnik of aviation O-4) Captain of aviation O-3) Lieutenant of aviation E-2) Senior Praporshchik of aviation E-1) Sergeant of aviation R-0) Airman

The airforce ranks from R-0 to O-4 are sub-divided into First, Second and Third class.