Assembly And Government Act

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The Assembly and Government Act was a bill passed by the Government of the Region of Rineu. Since the original bill was passed (13 votes to 5) , it has been amended by the Bill to Amend The Assembly and Government Act (passed 5 votes to 1) and was then reaffirmed by the Bill to Reaffirm The Assembly and Government Act (passed 14 votes to 5). The following act is the current reaffirmed version which is currently active. The act deals with the constitutional issues of the separation of powers and the setup of the regional government. There is currently a proposal to replace the Assembly and Government Act with a Constitutional Convention.



CONCERNED at the lack of clarity, and lumping of articles and sections together in the original Assembly and Government Bill, and

DESIRING to produce a clearer document, with more specificity of actions, and clearer division of governmental offices,

THEREFORE redrafts the Assembly and Government Bill along with the Bill to Amend the Assembly and Government Act to the following:

The Assembly and Government Bill

Part A - The Grand Head of State

1) The 'Grand Head of State' is the source and guardian of power in the Region of Rineu, and is to defend all those under the law from undue power and authority.

2.) The Grand Head of State shall be the founder of Rineu.

3.) The Grand Head of State shall be the 'Presiding Officer of the Assembly' and is to ensure that the Assembly runs smoothly and efficiently.

4.) The Grand Head of State shall be responsible to ensure that elections are held and run in a free and democratic manner.

5.) The Grand Head of State shall have the right to veto any Act of the Assembly, if said Act poses a serious and direct threat to the Region of Rineu or its values.

6.) The Grand Head of State shall be provided an office, from which his or her duties may be performed.

Part B - The Assembly

1.) The 'Regional Assembly of Rineu' shall be the foremost decision making part of the regional government, which shall decide all major actions of the regional government.

2.) Each Member Nation shall be entitled to sit in the Assembly.

3.) Each Member Nation shall have one voting representative, who shall be titled their 'Assembly Member'.

4.) Each Assembly Member shall hold only a single vote.

5.) Each Assembly Member's vote shall hold equal weight.

6.) Each Assembly Member may propose a 'Bill of Law'. Which must be discussed for a fair and due amount of time.

7.) Each Bill of Law shall be presented for a vote on a Monday, which shall conclude on the following Thursday.

8.) Each Bill of Law passing in the affirmative through the Assembly shall be enacted through the Grand Head of State into an 'Act of the Assembly.'

9.) Any Bill of Law not passing in the affirmative through the Assembly shall be considered dead, and must follow the entire process again to reach another vote.

Part C - The Prime Minister

1.) The Prime Minister of Rineu shall be the elected Head of Government of the Rineu region.

2.) The Prime Minister shall be the first among Ministers, and is the chief and legitimate representative of Rineu and the Prime Minister is entrusted all powers associated with the role of Head of Government.

3.) The Prime Minister's duty shall be to represent Rineu and lead the Government.

4.) Candidates for Prime Minister must gain two nominations from Assembly Members to stand on the ballot of an election, which is to be held every two (2) months under the call of the Grand Head of State.

5.) Each Assembly Member may support at most only two nominations for Prime Minister.

6.) The elections of the Prime Minister shall be opened on a Monday and concluded the same Thursday as with any other Act of the Assembly.

7.) The Prime Minister shall be provided an office, from which his or her duties may be performed.

Part D - The UN Delegate

1.) The UN delegate shall be entitled to an Office off their own, where they shall run their affairs and shall listen to the UN member views and shall act accordingly.

2.) As the UN Delegate is not an official of the Regional Government, the UN Delegate shall not have access to any regional controls.

3.) The position of UN Delegate shall be decided by the established procedures of the NationStates United Nations.

Part E - Departments

The following Departments shall be created with a Cabinet Minister sitting at the head of each:

1.) The Department of the Interior and Communication
i.) shall be lead by the Minister of the Interior.
ii.) This Department shall have the duty to ensure Justice, and Security within the Rineu Region.
iii.) This Department shall be responsible for promoting community cohesion.
iv.) This Department shall be responsible for promoting forum membership.

3.) The Department of the Exterior, Defence and the Promotion of Peace
i.) shall be lead by the Minister of the Exterior.
ii.) This Department shall be responsible for relations with foreign regions.
iii.) This Department shall be responsible for the promotion of peaceful foreign policy.
iv.) The Minister of the Exterior shall function as the Commander in Chief of any Regional Armed Forces that are enacted by the Assembly.

4.) The Department for Finance and Economic Development
i.) shall be lead by the Minister of Finance.
ii.) This Department shall have the duty to draft and manage the regional budget, and finances.
iii.) This Department shall be responsible for the promotion of economic development.

5.) The Department of Education
i.) shall be lead by the Minister of Education.
ii.) This Department shall be responsible for the education of Member Nations of Rineu's customs and laws
iii.) This Department shall be responsible for the supply of news within the region.
iv.) This Department shall be responsible for supplying explanations on any regionally related subject matter, upon request by a Member Nation.