Tammy Hagans

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Tammy Hagans
Offices Held
President of Coocoostan
Dates Held
31 December 2005-13 February 2007
Political Party
Prior Occupation

Tamara J. Hagans(Born April 11, 1961) was the 2nd President of Coocoostan. She was the first President from the Labour party and is regarded as an able facilitator amongst her supporters.


Hagans was born in Zalebano, Free Pacific States to Samuel and Angela Hagans on April 11, 1961. However, her family would relocate before her first birthday to her hometown of Anadahl(now capital of Nogova Oblast) where her father worked as a factory manager. She attended a private English-language school in the area, graduating with honours in 1979 and attending the Anadahl Normal University(now known as Anadahl State University), where she majored in chemistry and was a cheerleader for the basketball team.

Adult Life

Hagans took her chemistry degree and worked as a researcher for a pharmaceutical company in Panjuhr before being hired by the Soviet Interior Ministry(MVD) to assist in developing a system to collect water samples from across the nation in 1984. The TotalPure system, still in use today, allowed the MVD to monitor water quality across the republic and the system was eventually implemented across the union. Hagans was offered a job in Moscow three years later, on the condition that she live under an assumed, Russian name. She refused and while attending a conference in The Free Pacific States, she defected. In the FPS Hagans was by her own admission unable to hold down a job, trouble she blames on “Defector’s guilt”. The Militsiya and MVD constantly harassed Hagans’ parents after her defection until the collapse of the Soviet union in 1990. Shortly before that however, Hagans suffered another blow as her father was robbed and beaten into a coma, supposedly by a pair of Coocoobad Militiamen. No charges were ever filed and Sam Hagans died in early 1990. Hagans snuck back into the country via Darrowmere, where she spent a month securing passage. Hagans was in the crowd on the Avenue of Heroes on the 22nd of August 1990, when Maxim Kaygorodov famously walked onto the Balcony with Coocoo General-Secretary Ruslan Shalimov and the two men raised clasped hands to symbolise a peaceful transition. It was on that day that Hagans threw a rock at an MVD soldier, breaking his nose. She was charged with Assault of a Peace Officer, but the charges were dropped under a general amnesty granted by Kaygorodov.

She then started her own chain of laboratories in the Anadahl area, doing testing of various medical samples. It was in 1994, after seing a Labour Party display table at a trade convention that she joined. Quickly she became involved in her local executive, holding various postings over the next four years until running for and winning a seat on Anadahl’s city council. It was here that she began to garner limited attention within the local media, championing action on issues such as homelessness and corruption, which were both widespread. In 2001, she made a surprise run for the leadership of the Labour Party, finishing second to Joe McKinzie. McKinzie mended fences by appointing her as Deputy-Leader, which meant that while McKinzie led the party in Coocoobad, Hagans travelled the nation extensively, forging many critical ties. When McKinzie showed poorly in the December 2004 elections, he resigned the leadership and Hagans again ran, this time as the frontrunner. She won by acclimation in April of 2005, both because of the apparent poor state of the party and because she was virtually assured victory. She led the party into the 2005 election and won the presidency, although she faced and uphill battle in the Parliamentary Congress.


First Term

Hagans won ratification after forging the New Era Coalition with the National and Green parties gave her a majority in the Parliamentary Congress(PC). The first year of the Hagans presidency saw the establishment of over a dozen foreign embassies and consulates, a reorganisation of the military and territorial purchases of Aubrey(giving the nation a harbour) as well as San Andreas and a military occupation and annexation of Darrowmere (defeating the forces of the Trinkomali Clan). Furthermore, a Democratic Reform Act saw the implementation of proportional representation, as well as the expanding of the Parliamentary Congress to 215 members. Hagans was defeated in October of 2005 after several mass shootings across the country prompted the National party to table a motion offering her defeat. Hagans was criticized for delaying the election because of an “imminent” territorial acquisition, which later turned out to be San Andreas. The move was unpopular amongst most residents, with Hagans finishing second in the elections. However, with the NEC still controlling the Parliamentary Congress, the President-Elect, Madeline Tang, never went to a ratification vote and Hagans was ratified after Tang’s two-week Ratification Period had expired.

Second Term

Hagans entered her second term in a much less friendly PC. She did however, achieve her greatest long-term goal by successfully ratifying the International Fair Trade Agreement. Still, little else was accomplished and in late January 2007, the Green Party tabled a successful motion of no confidence, on the basis of her being unable to govern in a coalition, the rise of militants in the Coocoo Autonomous Oblast and their terrorist attack on the Kapitan Ganev an Oil tanker, in Aubrey Harbour, shutting down the nation's lone oil terminal. In the subsequent election, she and her party were soundly defeated, with both only receiving 3% of the vote. She acquiesced the office of president on 13th February, 2007.


The administration of Tammy Hagans has been criticized for the use of troops not only in Darrowmere, but in the Free Pacific States as well, where troops were deployed during the Packilvanian Hive’s attempt to conquer the FPS. She also bears criticism for allying with two parties that Labour is only somewhat similar to, with the Nationals being a centrist party, while the Greens are more Socialist. On a personal level, Hagans has faced heavy criticism for her assault of a Soviet Interior Ministry Soldier(something to which she confessed in the media) and even for not having a husband, leading for some critics to label her a lesbian. This prompted her to come out as being asexual in December 2006(although she strongly disapproved of the use of the phrase “Coming out”). In her second term, Hagans was criticized and eventually brought down because of an alledged inability to govern in a coalition. As well, she faced criticism on security issues.


Hagans is single(being asexual) and enjoys horseback riding and golf. She also follows closely the Anadahl State Bobcats in American Football and Basketball, attending all their games against Anadahl University.

Preceded by:
Maxim Kaygorodov,
President of Coocoostan
Followed by: