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Forum: [1]
Population: Approx. 68 nations
Delegate: Fishyguy
Founder: Sonnenwende
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Lichentia is a NationStates region with an active forum and over fifty members. Lichentia means 'Liberty' in Latin, and the region's capital Eleytheria means 'Freedom' in Greek.


Founded on November 30, 2006, Lichentia quickly developed a democratic government, with many positions spanning several branches. All citizens are entitled to vote in Congress, the legislative body. Each member nation has a single vote. Any citizen can initiate a bill in the Bills for Approval section. From there, bills are moved by the Speaker to the Debating Chamber and finally the Voting Hall. A simple majority is required to pass, repeal, or amend any bill. If a bill is deemed unconstitutional by the Senate it may be modified or repealed completely.

The executive branch is headed by the Prime Minister, who is chosen through a region-wide election once every two months. The Prime Minister appoints members to Cabinet positions in various Ministries including Defense, Foreign Affairs, Immigration, and Information. These ministers lead efforts in their departments, and report to the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister is absent for more than seven days without appointing a replacement, or is removed from office by trial, or a vote of no-confidence in Congress, the Senate takes over day-to-day government operations until the results of the next election.

The judiciary consists of the Senate and Governor General. Currently the Senate consists of five members, although this may change as regional membership continues to expand. Senators are responsible for ensuring the legality of bills, and they preside over court cases. In any case where a Senator is absent or on trial, the Governor General steps in to fill the vacancy. Although not a regular member of the Senate, the Governor General holds a prominent place as root administrator. The Chief Prosecutor presents evidence against the accused, who is aided by the Director of Public Defenders or a designated replacement lawyer.

A list of the region's laws can be found here

International Relations

Lichentia does not involve itself in invader and defender wars, instead supporting the spread of Democracy through diplomatic means. The Foreign Affairs Minister seeks new regions to exchange embassies with and approves of embassy requests. Ambassadors from Lichentia are also appointed by him. Treaties must be approved by Congress.

Political Parties

Lichentia has several political parties that people may join, including the Conservative, Independent, Liberal, Libertarian, and Republican Labour parties.


Lichentia is very involved in roleplay and has many threads devoted to different themes. Past and current roleplays include Modern Era, World War II, Ancient, 20th Century, Lichentia Racing Leagues, Nascar, GTA San Andreas, Star Wars, and Dungeons & Dragons. Any citizen can set up and manage a new roleplay environment.

A copy of the regional map can be found here


The region's capital houses numerous places of interest, including an art gallery, bank, bar, library, and university, as well as a place of residence for ambassadors of every nation in Lichentia. This is also where the very popular General and Spam forums are located.


The Eleytheria University offers courses over a variety of NS and non-NS subjects. As of now, there are courses available in Computer Programming, Music, History, and Electronics Engineering Technology. The university welcomes all applicants for student or teacher positions.