Boxwell Funeral Directors

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Boxwell Funeral Directors
Headquarters: [[]]
Nationality: Kegmenistan
Storefront: N/A

The Boxwell Funeral Directors are Kegmenistan's largest body disposal company. "You can be sure of two things in life: death and taxes." Boxwell makes a fortune from this fact.

UAR Racing

Boxwell Funeral Directors have also recently sponsored their own UAR team called the Boxwell Racers. When the arenas are complete they will be training at the "Isaac Rodchenko Memorial Arena". Until it's completion the team have and will continue to practice in and around Boxfish Lake (one of the most treacherous areas in the Empire).

Boxwell's involvement has been lauded by many as the team looked set to dismantle when the government intervened in the future of UAR. The Nomads were one of the favourite teams in Kegmenistan drawing in crowds from miles around. But with a lack of investment and no finanacial reserves to pay for the upgrades needed to make sure their vehicles met the required standards they looked set to disband. In at the last minute with an enormous offer Boxwell managed to save one of the most promising teams to have been seen in some time.

With their future set now all that remains is to see how they measure up against the big league teams.