Stalker Class frigate

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The Stalker class frigate

  • Stalker1-2.jpg
  • UCS-Stalker-1.jpg
  • The Stalker class frigate is a brain child of federal engineering and joint galactic empire funding, The frigate project was started several years ago as is a joint project between the galactic empire and the united colonial alliance of the federal union. The Frigate employs many new technologies, many beyond what many nations can field. The project is expected to cost nearly 5 trillion F$ to complete it, its equipment will be state of the art, and it will be as maneuverable as a star fighter.

  • General systems Systems: The ship is far smaller than the Demeter it's only roughly 250 meters long and 120 meters wide, as such it requires many miniaturized things, the frigate has also been designed to be totally modular, that way any modifications that must be made it can be made easily.
  • Hull: the hull of the ship is made up of new Tri-Strontium/ boruim composites, these metals are a new mix designed for this ship to give it increased strength, the boruim is made from exotic particles quantum fused together, the hull is also re-enforced with dual braced boruim struts.
  • Sensors: the Sensors of the Stalker are the some of the most advanced to date, employing massive layers of multi dimensional sensors, quantum sensors, inertia displacement sensors, null space scanning equipment, and multi faster than light sensors, it would be one of the most all seeing eye type ships in the fleet. the sensor packets will also include upgraded ECM and ECCM systems in a multi layered package. it should also be noted that there are interchangeable sensors module's for increased efficiency.
  • Engines: The frigate employs 2 Reaction-less gravimetric drive engines, and 2 hybrid Gravimetric impeller drives, the engines are incredibly powerful able to push the ship up to .95C with in a few moments of acceleration. the Reaction-less gravimetric drives are powered by UD-124 Graviton wave generators. The hybrid engines are powered by UD-102 Hybrid graviton wave/exotic plasma turbo fans, the excess exotic matter from the reactor and exotic fusion cores are used as fuel for the turbofans. Fast pack Thrusters and gravimetric projectors allow the ship to maneuver like none it size, its able to strife quickly and reach a target nearby with out reaching a sweat.
  • Main Power Reactor: the power core is called a quantum flux reactor, the reactor taps a higher dimension and draws power from the 8th dimension , it needs a significant boost of energy to start its taping once this is completed however the energy produced by it is able to sustain the tap, the energy is fed through quantum converters, and transfered through the ship via main junctions. The reactor also provides power for the graviton pulse generators witch power the engines It is called a quantum flux reactor because it produces exotic particles from the tap that flux wildly, these particles are collected at the bottom of the core to be used for two secondary exotic fusion cores .This reactor is highly efficient In providing power, and is careful managed by a four tier safety protocol, it is very rare for an uncontrolled reaction to happen, but if it dose the reactor is ejected in to space and a field of compressed space time is erected around it, an uncontrolled reaction can result in heavy damage and crate an inter universal aperture that may explode and send a shock wave of unbelievable strength up to 5000 kilometers in a spherical pattern. The reactor is deigned to be modular and is able to be detached and replace relatively easliy. This reactor also by defacto charges up a battery to re engage It self if it is shut down for stealth or maintenance purposes.
  • Secondary power core: The exotic particles from the primary reactor are condensed by a plasma condenser in to compressed exotic matter , that matter is then transfered from the exotic collection conduits at the bottom of the reactor over to multiple accelerators, then it is accelerated to a fraction of light speed in to a central reaction chamber. as both streams of exotic matter are pushed in to a fusion reaction, the resulting reaction crates space time distortions as the particles fuse in to super heavy matter that is like a highly radioactive Goo that is used as sensor jamming, because of its natural refraction. The reactors is deigned to be modular and is able to be detached and replace relatively easliy.

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Defense systems

  • Shield systems: The Frigates Defense systems are some of the most advanced in the galaxy, utilizing Multi dimensional shields, reality stabilizers, reverse stasis and stasis shields, as well as multi dimensional inhibitors the encompass temporal and all forms of FTL and travel. The high powered shielding is produced by four generators producing one layer of shielding each type.
  • Armor: The armor of the ship is made of Ablative boruim armor made to absorb and use energy weapons for its benefit, the armor plating is also able to redistribute kinetic energy over its surface it has an amazing ability to do this because of the exotic particles in a low state of quantum flux, this armor also has the remarkable ability to regenerate with replication generators as it absorbs energy. Bellow these plates of alloy are Tri-Strontium and boruim composite armor that allow the ship to stand up to swift heavy punishment.

Tactical systems

  • Torpedoes: Quantum Torpedoes are advanced ship weapons utilized by the federal union, the frigate contains,8 Rapid fire Torpedo tubes that contain both Quantum and Positron torpedoes.
  • Disruptor Z cannons: The disruptor Z cannons are an improvement upon current disruptor technology, its power comes from distorting and bending space time on a sub atomic scale causing the atoms to be converted to energy, this setting is remarkable as it can destroy large areas of a ship through sheer reaction an alternative setting of the disruptor is usage as a standard subatomic disruptor using exotic particles. The Frigates contain 4 cannons facing froward on the wings.
  • flux emitters, flux emitters utilize packets of modified space containing exotic particles fired out in large pulses, these exotic particles disrupt and destroy matter. the particles are generated from the reactor and the packet of space is generated by a modified Pocket generator the ship contains 8 dual emitters. (compressed space time packet filled with particles)
  • Positron emitters: The stalker class ship contains a multitude of tactical systems, one of the most powerful being tis positron emitters, the frigate contains 10 dual positron emitters 3 port, 3 starboard, 2 aft and 2 froward each with arcs of 250 degrees the emitters crate a stream of compressed positrons, its able to cause massive amounts of damage.
  • Disruptor's: these standard weapons are employed in beam emitters that are employed in spinal mounts using exotic particles to disrupt atomic bonds, in to a compressed beam.
  • Phasers: the frigate contains 2 spinal phaser slicer emitters facing froward the emitters are powered by exotic particle generators and are forced out in to a massively compressed beams able to cut through armor and hit shields hard.
  • Hyper pulse: The hyper pulse is a new system used for small ships, the hyper pulse fires rapidfire blasts of orange pulses The Hyper pulse cannons are mounted in clusters of 4, each barrel is able to fire three to six shots at a time before cooling off . each wing contains one .

Stealth system

  • The most advance feature on the stalker class, the dark phase cloak as its called, it allows the ship to phase in to the fabric of space and time and remain undetected as it has heavily reduced mass, gravimetric and power signatures in this state, an advanced field is also employed around the ship to make it seem like free floating atoms, the ships can remain undetected as it cannot be told any different from space, it may now raise sheilds, and it may not power or fire weapons, and its power core may be shut down and its sensors put on passive mode.

beaming systems

Beaming systems, transporters are another essential system for the ship, they require a lot of power but pay off, they open dimensional corridors and surround the person or persons and object in a force field and send them through, this is the main method marines are quickly deployed the Cruiser contains eight transporter systems. additionally the systems are able to emergency beam out entire crews but it is not recommended that any one dose this unless extreme emergency occurs due to mixing in patterns and odd happing risk slightly increased.

Faster than light

  • Faster than light: one of the many systems needed for any star ship, the cruisers faster than light is called Hyper Warp,hyper warp drive is a high end inter dimensional drive system that allows the ship to jump to places at high speeds,the drive works by crating a Hyper warp portal in front of the ship and sends it through a sort of wormhole like structure. the ship can travel nearly any place and nearly any speed, depending on the energy put out by the engines, it is connected to the Quantum flux core.
  • the star gate: This state of the art system utilizes the 9th dimension for travel, star gate generators focus gravimetric forces and energy in to a point to crate a singularity, the singularity expands an crates a dark hole in time and space to the 9th dimension, as the ship moves in, its is transported in to a fluidity like pitch black space, with bubbles of reddish brown space time distortions this system can get ships any place with in 10 minutes of use.

  • overview: while the ship is expensive and rather advanced it is still a basic idea.