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Allied States of Crisconium


Head of State: His Excellency, the Crisco Augustus
Capital: Sierra
Government Type: Father Knows Best State
Population: 36 million
Currency: Bubblewrap
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Reasonable
Political Rights: Few
National Animal: Gopher
Motto: "Live to serve and serve to live!"
Region: Eurasia Magnus


The Allied States of Crisconium is a large, safe nation, remarkable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its compassionate, cynical population of 36 million are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

The large government is mainly concerned with Law & Order, although Education and Defence are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 26%, but much higher for the wealthy. A robust private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing industry, followed by Arms Manufacturing and Woodchip Exports.

A cyber-war between file sharers and the music industry formats harddives accross the country, dog breeding has been banned in accordance with recent animal experimentation laws, motorists must pay to enter inner-cities during peak hours, and citizens are expected to be proficient in at least five languages. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Crisconium's national animal is the gopher, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the bubblewrap.

Crisconium's Military Budget is 3%[1]



The Allied States of Crisconium is a federation which extends over the entire island of Crisconensis, located off the eastern coast of Eurasia Magnus. The federation came into existance in 1443 at the end of the Triparitate War, where at the Conference of Rampagia, the Greater Eurasistanian delegate proposed the unification of the 6 nation-states on the island. The resolution was unanimously passed. Each state retained its geographic and cultural identity, but agreed to be governed by a central government at Sierra; the largest city on the island that was not a capital. The first King of Crisconium (appointed by the Conference) was King Robert, nephew of King Wendell VI of Wendellia. Each state sent a Speaker to the King's Palace in Sierra (quickly proclaimed a neutral Capital District) to advise him on the views of the people.


The monarchy was overthrown 45 years later, in 1488, during the War of Wendellian Succession. King Wendell VI had died childless, and King Robert was one of the chief challengers for the throne. Greater Eurasistan recognised Wendell VII, half-son of Wendell VI's non-royal wife, as the true heir to the Wendellian throne, and King Robert hastily drew plans to assault the mainland in unison with his few remaining allies. The Speakers unanimously opposed the action, and King Robert had them


driven from the palace. Speaker Linorus of Owenour State fought back and was killed. The remaining 5 Speakers, under the leadership of Augustus of Londis State, recruited a civilian army to overthrow the King, and at the Battle of Sierra Palace, on August 20, 1488, the King's fledgling army was defeated, the palace stormed, and the King murdered. Augustus assumed the throne, and upon the affirmation of the remaining 4 Speakers, was declared "Lord Speaker of the United Criscos".


Lord Crisco-Augustus, as he came to be known, quickly proclaimed his lordship over Crisconensis, and began to reform the government system. He officially dissolved all ties to the Crown of Wendellia (a minor complaint by Wendell VII about his Lordship of Crisconensis was ignored), and instituted new State governments throughout the nation. Speakers were appointed by Lord Crisco-Augustus, and were ratified by a popular vote. The capital region fell under the direct control of Lord Crisco-Augustus, but de facto authority over the city was quickly passed to the governor. The Governor had no direct say in the government, but often was the second most-powerful man in the nation. He often represented Lord Crisco-Augustus on foreign visits or official functions, to avoid favouritism towards individual Speakers. As a result, upon the death of Lord Crisco-Augustus in 1533, the Speakers unanimously chose the Governor of Sierra, Patrick O'Brien, as the new Lord of Crisconensis. In honour of Lord Crisco-Augustus, the Speakers gave him the same title. In the beginning, he was called Lord Crisco-Augustus O'Brien, but this became too cumbersome, and was shortened to just Crisco-Augustus. While the official title still stood, this became the proper way to address him, even at the most official functions. Only in historical records is the last name kept, along with a number signifying their order. Later, the original Lord Crisco-Augustus became known as Augustus-Primus, or "The First Augustus."


Augustus II O'Brien died in 1576, and was replaced by Governor Francois LaPorte. His rule lasted only a few short years, and was replaced by Augustus III Ceryoll in 1579 after being poisoned. The Speakers replaced Ceryoll in 1621 after he began suffering from advanced Parkinson's disease. While Ceryoll officially stepped down of his own will, the authenticity of his actions remains unknown. Augustus IV Jacobs lasted until 1649, when he died in a boating accident. He accomplished little, but is remembered for officialy making the Governor of Sierra the heir to the Lordhsip. Augustus V Sanderson attained the Lordship following Jacob's death, and continues to serve to this day.


Lord of the Criscos

Officially referred to as Crisco-Augustus, the Lord of the Criscos has absolute power over the nation as a whole. He may (though never has) veto any law passed in any State, or refuse any bill presented to him by the Speakers. Augustus IV Jacobs' Decree of Governorship introduced the "Absolution of the Speakers," which allowed, by unanimous consent, for the Speakers to take the bill to the Governor for affirmation, surpassing the power and authority of the Crisco-Augustus. This has never been used, and remains unpopular. The Crisco-Augustus attains the Lordship by way of the Governorship, upon the death or abdication of his predecessor, and serves for life.

Governor of Sierra

The Governor of Sierra was originally appointed by Augustus Primus to manage the city of Sierra and the Capital District that surrounded it; a task which officially fell upon himself. Days prior to his first official state visit to Greater Eurasistan in 1490, Augustus Primus fell ill with the flu, and could not travel to the mainland. At this time, the newly-governed nation was unstable, and the Speakers were at each other's throats. Many feared that his choice to represent him could lead to a Civil War. Augustus Primus chose the Governor of Sierra as his representative; a move which shocked the nation and infuriated the Speakers. The Governor was unknown throughout most of the country, and the Speakers wanted the glory for themselves (the fact that their rivals were not picked apparently did not occur to them). The Governor continued to rise in notoriety, and soon became Crisco-Augustus' right hand man. When faced with the prospect of choosing a new Lord after Augustus Primus' death, the Speakers decided to follow his lead and appoint the extraordinarily popular Governor to the fill the role. This began an unofficial tradition for the method of succession; made official by the Decree of Governorship, written by Augustus IV Jacobs in 1630.

The Governor is chosen by the Crisco-Augustus when the spot is left vacant, either by death or ascension to the Lordship (a Governor has never abdicated). The Governor has always been picked from one of the Speakers, who must vacate their spot upon appointment. Included in the Decree was the clause that "no two successive Governors may be a resident, citizens, or be birthed in the same State." This eased fears that the Governorship, and in essence, the Lordship, would be dominated by any one state. The Governor serves for life, until ascension, abdication, or dismissal by the Crisco-Augustus.


Speakers are privleged to have a dual function; to represent their State before the Crisco-Augustus, and also to be the Head of Government for their respective states. Speakers are appointed by the Crisco-Augustus, but this decision must be ratified by the people of the state before he can be given the position. No Speaker has ever been denied the position by the people, as the Crisco-Augustus usually picks a figurehead who is already popular with the people due to their service in the Assembly.

The job of the Speaker is to present bills to the Crisco-Augustus for ratification. These bills are created by Joint Sessions of Assemblies; a national convention of all State Assemblies. Any bill passed through the State Assembly must be ratified by their Speaker before it can become law, although the Crisco-Augustus may override their decision.