Saint Holden

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The Holy Empire of Saint Holden


National flag Coat of Arms
SaintholdenPolitical Map 2.png
Motto Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet.
Capital Francisco
  - Official
  - Unofficial

  Archbishop -

Victor Bella Cordoni

431 km²
167 sq mi
Region Union of Saint Holden
Accession to Union of St Holden 1912
 - Total (2007)

National animal
Currency Rudolph
International abbreviation STH
Internet TLD .stho
Calling Code +201

Saint Holden, officially The Holy Empire of Saint Holden, is a landlocked sovereign state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the nation of St Samuel.

It was created in 140AD by King Maximus Antonio Eades 'The White' of Holdinia after he defeated King Lysander to become the supreme ruler of the lands. Saint Holden is a non-hereditary, elected monarchy that is ruled by the Archbishop of Saint Holden. The highest state functionaries are all clergymen of the Catholic Church. It is the sovereign territory of the Holy Church of Holden.


The Holy Empire of Saint Holden was founded in 140AD after King Maximus Antonio Eades 'The White' of Holdinia defeated King Lysander to become the supreme ruler of the Holdinia Empire.

In 22AD Saint Samuel was sent to Holdinia by the Pope to evangelise the Holdinians. Samuel was succesful in bringing King Sethius to the faith and in 24AD Sethius declared Holdinia a Christian state. The Church of Holden (CoH) was founded and Samuel became the Archbishop of Francisco and head of CoH.

Sethius became so devout he sent his young son, Lympus to a mission in Barrinnia to be raised as a true christian. Sethius further gave the CoH more powers and requested that Bishops become his Royal advisors.

In 44AD The Grand Cathedral of Francisco was built by the CofH in Francisco.

In 129AD King Solanicca of Holdinia had Archbishop Ordius executed for treason and had his troops burn every church in Holdinia. This day became known as Dark Sunday.

The War of the Cross

Many priests and monks went into hiding and for the next few years King Solanicca had anyone he remotely believed was a Christian executed.

Maximus Antonio Eades, an Ossian govenor and firm follower of Christ began an uprising and soon priests, monks and christians came to Ossia seeking sanction from the crazed King. The exiled Church of Holden showed full support for Maximus and his rebellion. Eades led his army into battle under the banner of God in Kosseum where he defeated an army sent by Solanicca. Maximus became known as Eades the White and had victory after victory over the King's armies.

In 138AD Solanicca was assassinated by his most trusted general, Lysander. Lysander's followers named Lysander King, but the CoH called for Eades the White to be crowned King. Lysander and Eades met on the battle field in Lussia where Eades was victorious. Two more smaller battles took place before Lysander was finally killed and Eades was crowned King of Holdinia by the Archbishop of Francisco in 140AD.

Once King Eades was crowned King of Holdinia he announced that the province of Saint Holden would be named an independant state and run by an elected Archbishop.


Political system

The government of Saint Holden has a unique structure. The Archbishop is the sovereign of the state. Legislative authority is vested in a commission of cardinals appointed by the Archbishop for ten-year periods. The Archbishop is elected into power by the Council of Cardinal's, after the death of the previous Pope.

There are specific departments that deal with health, security, telecommunications, etc.


The Archbishop has duties the same to those of a President or Prime Minister. The 120 Cardinals of Saint Holden act as the ministers advising the Archbishop and helping in the running of the nation.


Saint Holden has a small regular army, known as the Knights of the Cross. It was found by Lord Monty di Pallicio in 141AD with the task of protecting the Church of Holden and the region. The Knights of the Cross currently number around 1000 and also act as the personal bodyguards to the Archbishop.

The Saint Holden Poilce Force acts as the internal police force and was founded in 1821 by Archbishop Macurius, in order to take the workload away from the Knights of the Cross.

Saint Holden has no navy and no air force. External defense is handled by the surrounding state of St Samuel.

Administrative divisions

Saint Holden is divided into 15 administrative parishes:

  • City of Francisco
  • Saint Andrew
  • Saint Maximus
  • Saint Aaron
  • Saint Lucy
  • Saint George
  • Saint Sethius
  • Saint Joseph
  • Saint Michael
  • Saint Thomas
  • Saint John
  • Saint Peter
  • Saint James
  • Saint Stephen
  • Saint Philip


Tourism accounts for 40% of the country's economy with over twenty million people visiting the country last year. Other key industries are banking, electronics, and ceramics. The main agricultural products are wine and cheese.


Saint Holden is an enclave in St Samuel, it border's the province's of Lyonais, Breton, Lillebourg and Abbincourt. There are no bodies of water of any significant size.

The climate is Mediterranean, with warm summers and mild winters.




Primary and secondary schools

Colleges and universities
