Unified Drachma

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Revision as of 21:00, 24 May 2007 by Kalandrin (Talk | contribs)

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The Unified Drachma (Ενωμένη Δραχμή, Enomene Drachme in Greek, abbreviated Udrh) is the currency of the Hellenic Confederation and Thermopylai in the region of Eastern Europe. The currency was created within the frameworks of economic integration between Thermopylai and Crete, and once the Cretan People's Republic formed the Hellenic Confederation with Cassadine, the new state immediately resumed the circulation of the new currency. It is a part of the attempts of Pan-hellenic Integration, or closer relations among the ethnic Greek or Greek-related states of the region.

One Unified Drachma (Udrh 1) consists of 100 lepta.

Currency value on 24 May 2007 was Udrh 1 = US$ 1.7624 (NSDossier).

External Links

  • Treaty of Iraklion between the Cretan People's Republic and the Democratic Republic of Thermopylai, the treaty that brought the Unified Drachma into existence.