History of the United States of Mars

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The history of the United States of Mars began Febuary 3 2045 when the British and Irish colonies of Bottes, Cropwell and Fosse gained independence and unified to become a single nation.


The first colony ship which set down in what would be the United States of Mars landed at 0632 (MST) on January 2 2041 in what would later be Williamsburg. Initially 312 British colony ships landed in the North of the Mare Sirenum continent and founded the colony of Fosse over a period of two weeks.

The British colony ships help up to 5000 colonists and were designed to be dismantled for the materials. After the first wave of colonisation, 113 colonies had been created in the British territory which had a population of approximately one and a half million.

Limited self rule was granted to Fosse in May 2042 with a Governor appointed and the created of a governing assembly. Rapid building work throughout the colony meant that within the space of two years, a decade's development was undertaken.