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A History

The very first nation created by myself was created in September 2004. It's name was Oodges. Oodges was born in to The West Pacific, and resided there for a couple of days while I found my way around. The first player i talked to was a delightful guy called Fred Chook. I asked him what the hell i was doing and he was marginally helpful but I didn't really know what i had got myself in to until i read a recruitment TG from Avenging Angels (now under control of Avolon, at the time AA was under control of the player Josh/Bhagavan.) AA had just founded The Exodus, one of NS' most longserving stable regions, at the time i think the population was around 60 with a fairly slow RMB.

Being me I said what i thought (whatever that was) on the RMB and i didn't get noticed so i got a little angry and perhaps a little abusive. But AA and Avolon, among others, cooled me down and told me what i was doing wrong and that respect and voice comes with experience and time. I have lived with those thoughts throughout NS and i have never rushed things since.

The Exodus was my only region for many months, as it grew so did I. I didn't gain a governmental position as AA did just about everything anyway and there wasn't much of a government, but i was quite active there anyway. In just a few months i felt part of the whole community there, Avolon, Duchy Rickmers, Via Bestiae, AA, My Rael, Wilke, GPBS, Liam among others still remain my most vivid memories of NS, even though most of them have since CTE'd. I clearly remember my first chatzy experience with VB, Duchy and Avolon as well as a few others that went on for hours with Avolon. They were good times to be had in the height of both The Exodus and NS itself. I was shattered to have to leave them all during Summer Holidays that year.

When i returned The Exodus (now about 150+ nations i believe) was just the same but i had very difficult times getting computer access in 2005, I managed only a small amount of NS time but remained mildly active on and off The Exodus. During the early part of this year I also joined a region called Witch King Region which i got from just me (Evil Elvish Orcs) and my mate Er-Murazur to a region of around 20 nations. I made motions to start endorsing the ADN but didn't do anything serious and that's about all for 2005.

2006 sparked a new era for me in the wider NS World. It all began with my return to NS and increased compter access. The first nation i logged on to was Oodges and found myself in a region i wasn't sure that i still recognised. Josh had since left and my good friend Avolon had taken his place as founder nation. Dsboy, a new player, was now one of the most active nations and only Avolon, Wilke, VB, KittieKat and Rael 1 remained from the original caste.

I began a region named Where are we, created solely for me and a couple of RL friends to meet up and then one day i logged on and Where Are We had about 20 nations. I hadn't even noticed the "Featured Region" but it had noticed me! I quickly began organising the region in to mobility, created a forum and recruited on and off. We were approached by a region which i can't quite remember the name of for an alliance and I heartily agreed.

And while I was doing all that "Forgotten Oodgedom" was created, my future pride and joy.

(to be continued....)