Assazultani Ajjud

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Assazultani Ajjud was a seccesionist state within the Juqai Municipality of the Yoka republic 1944-1952.It was created after the shortlived Social Republic of Juqai and secceeded together with The Socialist State of Komyrekh ,with witch it signed a treaty of friendship in 1947 .

Muhamad Swosfa ,governor of Yagouhuduw Province 1942-1953 supported the seccesion secretly with his provfate wealth.

It was headed by a three-member judicial tribunal,the Quasud.Its members were Abdullah Saidi Mosuq , Lieutenant-Colonel Abdul Ali al-Mutasim ,the second governor of Yagouhuduw Province and Commodore Abdullah Ali Said ibn Taju ,future last „Supreme President“.It was a judicial theocracy,with a population of 36 000 and an army of 8 900.Ghulum Asrava,one of the civil war presidents (in the capital) declared three wars against Assazultani Ajjud,with only one taking the form of an armed conflict,ending with a short,2 day occupation of the capital,8th-10th October 1945.When Commodore Muhmmad Ali ibn Taju came back to power,he recognised the existence of the state in 1946.His son became,according to his wishes,“Supreme president“,however was ousted a few days later.He simultaneously co-ruled over Assazultani Ajjud.The state came to an end when General Said Mursuzultani Alsaza ,“ Governor of the state emergency“,invaded the state in 1952 al-Mutasim and ibn Taju were executed as „traitors“,however Mosuq was only exiled from Yokas teritory on the grounds that he was an Arnabyazi republic citizen.