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The Dragonite is a species of human/dragon hybrids created as soldiers by the Unknown Technocracy before World War Zero and native to Metropolis. They were part of a whole series of artificial -ite species created during the war (such as Angelites, Demonites, Mechanites and Humanites) and apparently died out or mutated to Bestias at the end of the war. Recently, the Metropolitan Army has reactivated the technology that had been used to create the Dragonites, in order to recreate a military unit that could draw its power from their enormous potential. Apparently, this unit, called Dragoon, has already seen limited use, but the soldiers still seem to be prototypes.

Dragonite Creation

For Dragonite creation, the most powerful soldiers from the Metropolis armed forces are selected. They are screened fro both physical and mental malfunctions. Those who pass all tests are then subjected to the process of Dragon Hybridization. This means extracting a Dragon from its seal, but instead of allowing the Dragon to reform into a physical body, it is injected into the human soldier, forcing it to revert into a parasite/symbiote-like stadium. The further transformation of the host body and mind through the symbiote Dragon cells within the body is then suppressed by the heavy use of drugs. Initial experiments repeated the process originally used by the Technocracy and injected a single person with a whole Dragon life force. This led to Bestia mutations, so later Dragoons were injected with only tiny bits and pieces of Dragon soul, distributing the power of a single Dragon over hundreds of individuals with top-ranking phyiscal and mental capabilities, plus drugging, which was enough to suppress the mutation.

Types of Dragon Symbiotes

Dragon Symbiotes are reffered to as "Wyrms"

  • Green Wyrm - Green Dragon symbiote, classical
  • Red Wyrm - Red Dragon symbiote, fire element
  • Black Wyrm - Black Dragon symbiote, darkness / gravity element