Nationalist Party

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The Nationalist Party of Ambrella
Leader Bob Gerald
Chairperson May Warner
Spokesperson Fomo Kadachi
Founded July, 1996
Headquarters Rainz, Ambrella
Political ideology Nationalist Conservative
International affiliation Ambrellese
Slogan "Ambrella is the best nation, so pick us, the best leaders."

The Nationalist Party began as the AIO's Party, because it consisted of the members of the Ambrella Independence Organization. It's first candidate was John Kainey, who planned a hostile takeover of the nation after his election. Kainey was also the Temporary President of Ambrella before the first election. The NP attracts the most nationalistic voters, and is sometimes called the Power Hungry Party. Other voters find it hard to trust this party after the incident with John Kainey. After Kainey, the NP has backed Josh Newmann for President.

The information on this page is under question of removal by the "Ambrella Political Opposition Act".