Werewolf: Phoenix Wright - Dark Turnabout

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Spectrum Werewolf/ Mafia
Name: Werewolf: Phoenix Wright - Dark Turnabout
Game: Werewolf
Host: Dhatsun
Commenced: Mon 21st May 2007
Winner(s): Daveanoyl Chloride, Mushy Pea, Sarhiro.

Werewolf: Phoenix Wright - The Dark Turnabout (or simply Dark Turnabout) was the 8th werewolf game hosted in The Spectrum. It was hosted by Dhatsun and based on the "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney" games.


  • White-Rose
  • Sherylannia
  • Daveanoyl Chloride
  • Mushy Pea
  • Red Rose Movement
  • Don Flanioso
  • Sabrateur
  • Domas-Porada
  • Oldham Road
  • Nintenduu 64
  • Calumnius
  • Sarhiro
  • Enthalpy Change


It was not an abnormal day to begin with. The usual drudge had set in, and it was a Tuesday Week B tutorial. As per usual, everybody gravitated towards S20, the computer room, and U6 Beckett’s form room, as it is the greatest. Unfortunately, this would be the end to the usual jokes and thoughts for the day.

The nation of Buttery Boonswoggles was merrily playing a discarded DS as everyone chatted…


Everyone was gone. Buttery Boonswoggles had set in motion an event that would not be forgotten. Everyone but him had been dragged within the cyberspace of the DS!!! I’m sure you can guess what he was playing.

“Good morning”, boomed a bald Dhatsun. “I’ve been waiting for you all morning. I see you’ve been playing my magic DS. Well, here’s the deal. You’ve all been sucked into my world, and that happens to be Phoenix Wright’s world too. You’ll notice that my lovely hair has moved to my chin, well, I am the Judge. You may call me Udgey. You are about to play a game that some of you will never leave. You are about to star in my game.”

“Err… What? What’s Phoenix Wright?” questioned Enthalpy. Dhatsun showed them the game, where they all decided that when you hear about it, it sounds crap, yet when you play it, it’s very cool.

Dhatsun continued, “Now, here are the rules. You may have noticed when you entered that you felt a spirit within you. This is the bits of data that have inhabited you. And although you all look similar, you are also different. Some of you are murderers, some of you are innocent. Some of you don’t much care, but that’s because you’re selfish. The game is thus each day you are here; you must act as the jury, and confer among yourselves. You must come to the decision of who to send to prison. However, as this is a game, the person will probably be deleted.”

“That’s barbaric! I refuse” proclaimed IKBTY. He was quickly bludgeoned with the gavel and corpse swiftly removed by bailiffs.

“Any more interruptions?” a blood-soaked Dhatsun asked. “No? Good. Now, you each have powers, you may use some in the day, some in the night. I suggest you use them wisely. Oh, and all the baddies have killed Whitmorium, so, err… find them out. May the jury now leave to discuss”

COURT ADJOURNED, reconvene at 9PM tomorrow.

SUMMARY Buttery Boonswoggles accidentally imprisons everyone in Dhatsun’s game. IKBTY is bludgeoned to death by Dhatsun. Whitmorium is found dead in the courtroom.


Day 1

The courtroom was silent.

“Court in progress.” Dhatsun boomed. Has the jury come to a verdict for today?

“Yes,” replied Mushy Pea, the day’s speaker.

“Very well, Can Doma-Porada please take the stand.” A shudder shot through DP as he took to the box. “You were voted for twice today, yet these votes were apparently cancelled. You therefore have no votes. You may leave the box. Nintenduu 64, can you please take the stand.” Horror set into N64’s eyes as he approached the stand.

“Nintenduu 64, you are charged with the murder of Whitmorium, how do you plead?”

“Not guilty!” N64 shot back.

“Well, Mr. 64, it seems as though your peers don’t believe this to be so. You received 8 votes today, a clear majority, and as a result, I must give my verdict“

“Nintenduu 64, the court find you to be Gui-“


Murmurs ran through the courtroom as one unknown member of the group pointed out the severe lack of evidence to his case. This legal mind had clearly done their homework. They knew every loophole in the book.

“Well well well… I must say this evidence does shed some doubt, even if I do not like being interrupted,” Dhatsun gesticulates to the empty seat once occupied by IKBTY, “I can therefore only take one course of action, to adjourn the trials ’til tomorrow. Court Adjourned until 10AM tomorrow. Nintenduu 64, you are free to leave the stand.

Nintenduu 64 left the stand, fearing for his life, yet quite turned on by the drama.


SUMMARY: Nintenduu 64 voted by majority (8), Voted execution objected to, No execution takes place.


Night 1


White-Rose made his way to courtroom, thoughts pulsing through him. What was going on? Would he lose everything? Did he have enough hair gel?

“You’ve gone too far Phoenix,” a mysterious voice echoed.

“How do you know me?” replied White-Rose.

“I know a lot” came the reply.

“Who are you? What is your purpose?”

“That doesn’t matter. Not for you at least.” The cold response echoed around the room.

White-Rose faced the criminal. He had a gavel in his hand and his face, he was…

“It can’t be. Your-“


Everything went black for White-Rose. The mysterious figure, wiped the gavel clean, changed his clothes and left the room. The corpse of Phoenix Wright lay askew on the floor.

SUMMARY: White-Rose (Phoenix Wright) was bludgeoned to death.


Day 2

The courtroom was deathly silent, the Judge looked a little worse for wear.

"So, court is in session. Would the first of the accused, Oldham Road take the stand."

O-Road walked up to the stand, somewhat cocksure or himself.

"All those who find the defendant guilty, please raise your hand."

A few hands raised.

"That is not enough. Oldham Road, please vacate the stand. Will the next defendant, Enthaply Change, please take the stand."

Enthalpy looked as white as a sheet as he walked to the stand.

"All those who find the defendant guilty, please raise your hand."

Four hands were raised.

"That is not enough either. And due to the numbers already voted, no majority can be reached. Mostly because a lot of you didn't even bother to vote, you lazy jury b*stards. Next you'll be telling me you didn't vote in the last election! Court is in recess until sometime tomorrow"

The jury looked relieved that they wouldn't be murdered, yet worried that night was closing in. Would they all be here in the morning. Who knows... Who knows...


SUMMARY: No majority Reached. No execution. Dhatsun disappointed.

Night 2

(For simplicity's sake, in this tale, the character labelled 'mark' will be called a he. This does not neccessarily reflect the gender of the character.)

The air was thick with fog, a dark feeling was in the air as Sabrateur skulked through the housing surrounding the court. He knew his mission, he had been paid handomely. His mark was stood before him, reading the note he had left. Sabrateur slowly pulled the blade from his coat. All was going to plan. Yet something didn't feel quite right. He looked up...

The breezeblock sailing to him from the window above was the last thing he saw.

The mark looked around, stunned. Sabrateur's body lay before him. His body shuddered, as he saw a man with a scar down the middle of his face appear. Then, as just as the image had appeared, it was gone again.

The mark looked up, the window, he saw two people, one he didn't quite recognise, the other, he knew all to well. His face belonged to Sherylannia, but occasionally, it flickered to a much darker image.


The mark shuddered with anger. He knew the truth about Manfred. He has murdered before. He could see the truth. Manfred had murdered Phoenix! He knew how capable a liar Manfred was though. He could weasel his way out of court. There was only one thing to do. Without a second thought, the mark raised a concealed pistol, aimed at the window, and fired a single shot.

The bullet shot straight through Manfred Von Karma's left eye, killing him instantly.

The look of horror was evident on Manfred's accomplice. It was evident on his own. He ran from the atrium. Everything had changed... Everything.



SUMMARY: Sabrateur (Shelley De Killer) is killed. (Neutral) Sherylannia (Manfred Von Karma) is killed. (Baddie)

Day 3

Dhatsun, was feeling down, the jury was bickering once again.

"Can you come to a decision?" boomed Dhatsun.

"NO!" came the response.

"Very well then. I propose this, I will spin my gavel. Whomever it stops on is guilty. Understand?"

"You're as corrupt as my government once was!" retaliated Domas-Porada.

"Quiet, you sissy." Dhatsun span the gavel (which was actually a random number generator, with each person issued a number between 1 and 10). The gavel kept spinning (reaching number 7, for those who care) and eventually stopped on...

Nintenduu 64.

"But I'm innocent!" protested N64.

"Tough. Guards! Take him away." As Nintenuu 64 was dragged away, his hair turned pink and a grubby medical coat appeared on him, several of his teeth vanished too.

"Hmm... It seems that Nintenduu was Director Hotti. He was a goodie. However, he groped too much for his own good and should therefore be in prison anyway (seriously, have you seen that character? No wonder Franziska whipslaps him!). Court is adjourned for the day. And I expect some of you to be dead! Preferably those who didn't vote!

SUMMARY: No majority. Nintenduu 64 incarcerated by random generator.

Night 3


The darkness permeated Don Flanioso. He was scared, after what he witnessed last night with Manfred. Still, he had done it all for Bat, and maybe because of his bitterness of being in a wheelchair. Only a little of the latter though. As he wheeled along, he could feel someone behind him. He turned, she was staring straight at him, with a sexual look in her eyes. They opened slightly as she flung out her whip and laid into him. She was relentless. He was powerless. The observer to the situation saw his chance, he entered the room.

"Ken Dingling I presume." Acro spun around. He had been caught, and facing a gun. He was screwed. Or maybe not. He saw his opportunity, the momentarily stunned whipper was off guard. He pulled out his own pistol and aimed at her abdomen. The observer was worried, he had now found himself in a hostage situation. This was his worst nightmare. What would he do? What would he do? WHAT WOULD HE DO?

His saving situation was brought to him by the hostage.

With a slight gesture she told him to aim to his left, the with a quick flick of her whip she flung Acro to his side, Acro aimed at the observer, in a last desperate attempt to kill and therefore save himself. He was not quick enough.

The bullet forced itself into Acro's left lung. He knew he was gone. As he lay on the floor, the two others stood over him. He had a slight smile on his face, not one of malice, but one of peace. He was to finally escape his prison. he would escape the tragedy of his own fate. He told the two his painful story, then, as a tear ran down his cheek, he exhaled his last breath. His killer closed the eyes of Acro, leaving the room. Well at least the corrupt b*stard of a judge would be happy. Another person was dead.

SUMMARY: Acro (Don Flanioso) was killed (Baddie) Dhatsun was appeased.

Day 4

“Big money, Big prizes, I love it!”

Dhatsun quickly turned of his gameshows from the future TV when he realised people were back in the room. He recovered from his embarrassment when he remembered what time it was.

“It’s time for the verdicts of my clearly corrupt court!”

Mushy Pea looked positively petrified as she took to the stand.

“Any votes?”

No hands were raised.

“Okay, did anyone vote at all?” Several hands pointed at Enthalpy Change, who protested his innocence.

“One, two, three, four.” Although Dhatsun carried on counting, whilst reminiscing about a fish he once caught alive that bit the little finger on his right; it quickly became apparent that there was no majority. The jury quietly crept from the room as Dhatsun danced a little jig to his lovely nursery rhyme chant. Bellows of anger were later heard, a full 45 minutes after everyone left, shortly follwed by the sounds of future gameshows, namely Super Smash TV. Oh yeah. You remember that game.

If you don’t, you suck.

SUMMARY: No majority, no incarceration. Dhatsun goes off on one hell of a tangent.


Night 4

The night was dark. The crack of a whip could be heard. The whipper was furiously going at a man huddled in a corner. The man was clearly incapacitated, and the whipper was so into their assault they didn’t notice the person creeping from behind, armed with a weapon aimed directly at the head.

The unknown assailant pulled the trigger.

A sharp whooshing sound was made and multicolour lights started flashing. The whipper turned around to find a space suit staring back at them, with a toy laser firing. Unfortunately for the assailant A TOY LASER DOESN’T DO ANYTHING!!! The whipper opened the assailant’s helmet, bitchslapped them, then continued the punishment. The assailant quickly left with their tail between their legs.

SUMMARY: Nothing happened. Someone was a tit.

Day 5

The courtroom had a much darker look to it today. The jury was not sure if it was the fact that one of them would die, or that, due to renovations to Courtroom No. 5, they were temporarily housed in Courtroom No. 6, which was based very heavily on the Star Wars Republic Senate Hall. To compliment this, Dhatsun was dressed as Darth Sidious, however, with his big Udjey beard, it simply made him look very stupid.

"Have the votes been cast?" bellowed the costumed Dhatsun.

"They have." Enthalpy Change was called to the stand.

"Frank Enthalpy Chemistry is Good Change Greenberg, you have been accused of being a baddie. How do you plea?"

"N-not guilty your Honour." stammered EC.

"Well, i'm sorry to say it, but your peers did not agree with you. You found to be...


The sentence usually passed is lifetime incarceration, but as we are in a Star Wars Courtroom, you will simply be fed to the Rancor. I just hope Greenberg isn't a jedi name."

After several intense minutes fighting the Rancor, Enthaply Change successfully defeated the monster. As a reward, he was decapitated with a lightsaber. No one defies Dhatsun's court of law.

"Well, it seems Enthalpy was indeed a baddie. He, or should I say she, was Mimi Miney. She had the power to disguise herself as her innocent sister, Ini, to avoid the eyes of the seer. She also had several phials of medical poison from her job as a nurse. But that doesn't really matter. As she's dead. Court is adjourned until tomorrow. Now get some sleep, and some of you kill each other."

SUMMARY: Enthalpy Change (Mimi Mimey) was incarcerated executed. (baddie) The game briefly went into Star Wars, which after being read, may become inspiration for another crappy WW game.


Night 5

The Gatewater Hotel was quiet... too quiet. It might have been because it was a crime scene and thus cordoned off. It may have been something else. But still, there would be some noise, some officers guarding the scene. The detective wandered around, he had an unsettling feeling. Sure, he wasn’t the greatest detective; he was just a regular gumshoe. But still, he had a hunch. And he had learned from his years on the force to trust his instincts.

The detective crept to the crime scene. The feeling of being watched enveloped him. He silently entered the room. He could still see the remnants of the victim’s blood. There sure were a lot of bears in the room. One he noticed had had its eye ripped out. Of course, he remembered now. There had apparently been a camera there. But it had been forcibly removed shortly after the death of the victim. Forensics had pointed this out. But they knew they had no chance of locating it. It didn’t matter though. The criminal that had ended Mr. Corrida’s life was behind bars. And that was where Miss. Adrian Andrews would remain. Still, he had the feeling that something was missing. That was why he had came.

The detective heard a slight noise beside him.

“I’ve been expecting you detective. You just couldn’t leave it could you?”

“You?!?!” exhaled the shocked detective.


The detective screamed. No one heard his cries.

It was the early hours of the morning. Detective Farradagh had had a bad night. He’d been knocked out during guard duty of the still cordoned Corrida murder scene. He didn’t know why it was still like that. The killer had been caught. He swallowed a couple of aspirins and massaged his temples. His head felt several sizes to small. Like his brain was about to break through it. The injury he had sustained last night, he should get it checked out. He would sort that when he was back at the station. He first had to check the scene.

As he opened the door and looked forward, he was overcome with nausea. What the hell had happened?!?! He immediately turned on the spot and vomited, he vomited for a full thirty seconds. Eventually he looked up at what was facing him. He vomited some more.

When he finally came to, he saw the horror. Detective Gumshoe had been crucified. His eyes had been removed. His shirt had been ripped open. Blood was everywhere. His chest must have been slashed at least thirty times. A Gatewater Hotel knife was protruding from his throat. His badge flickered. Occasionally it said Gumshoe, occasionally it said Calumnius.

Farradagh clicked on his radio.

“Yeah, it’s Farradagh, you gotta come to the Corrida scene. Officer down. We got a f*cking officer down.”

SUMMARY: Detectove Gumshoe (Calumnius) was brutally murdered. (Protector) Dark Turnabout gets a lot darker.


Day 6

Despite the pristine and clinical chic that was the newly refurbished Courtroom No. 5, the group was feeling exhausted. They had all seen the image of Calumnius’ grizzly demise. Even Dhatsun looked drained; he had been at the scene and had seen first hand the horror caused by one of the people in this room. Unfortunately, the law of the DS held firm. The jury would have to vote one into incarceration.

“Would the speaker for the jury please stand.” Mushy Pea stood.

“Has the jury come to a verdict?”

“They have,” sighed Mushy Pea. The death had hit her hard, apparently she had quite the soft spot for Calumnius. She was supposedly sleeping with him... though that didn’t rule her out from being the killer.

“Who has the jury decided is the perpetrator of this hideous crime?” “The voting suggests The Red Rose Movement as the perpetrator. By majority of one.”

“Very well… Red Rose, you are hereby sentenced as being guilty of the crime of being a baddy. Bailiffs, remove this woman from my court.”

The Red Rose screamed her innocence as she was dragged away. The white screen whizzed silently around her. There was the sound of a single gunshot. The Red Rose Movement was dead. The screen slid away. The body flickered from Red Rose to that of a doctor. It seems the jury had made a grave mistake.

Dhatsun sighed, defeated. “It seems The Red Rose Movement was Doctor Turner Grey. She had the power to prevent murders with her doctor powers. She was innocent.”

The strain was beginning to show. Even Dhatsun, the most controversial and blood lusting judge had seen too much death. The jury looked emotionally and physically drained. They could be sure by morning another would be dead, as the silent killer stalked them. The only question was…

Who was next?

SUMMARY The Red Rose Movement (Dr. Turner Grey) was incarcerated and then executed (innocent).


Night 6

Pearl Fey may be the youngest in the clan, but she wasn’t just an ordinary child. Most kids would hide under the covers when they’re woken by a loud noise in the middle of the night. Pearl wasn’t most kids though. She clambered out of her futon and wrapped herself in a gown. There was little elegance to her, yet she was not a geisha, she was a child, a mystic. She didn’t need parlour tricks to command respect.

There was another sound.

Pearl gravitated to the source; someone was in the Channelling Chamber. She slid open the doors. Pearl now hit the fear most kids would have acquired earlier. She felt the evil within the room. A figure spotted her. This was the last thing she would see… well... at least a few hours.

Pearl opened her eyes. She was connected to pipes, where was she? She struggled to get a grip. She was calmed down by Morgan Fey. Miss fey was wearing orange, still in her prison garb, yet she was the closest relative. It was decided she was the best person to inform Pearl about Maya’s death, especially so soon after Phoenix’s.

The scene in the Channelling Chamber was one of carnage. The body had been beaten, words written on the wall in her blood. She had been raped. Her breasts carved, her face, indistinguishable from the onslaught. Another Gatewater knife protruded from this victim. Again, it was in the throat. This was the believed cause of death. Despite the beatings, she was believed to have drowned in her own blood. They were dealing with a psychopath here. Detective Farradagh had been placed at the scene. Some felt it unnecessary, so soon after his encounter with Gumshoe. Farradagh had learned to bury himself in his work though. He would keep going until the sick sonofabitch was found.

He would do is best, in the name of Gumshoe, and in the name of Maya Fey.

SUMMARY: Domas Porada (Maya Fey) was brutally murdered (innocent - seer). Things look grim for the players.


Day 7

Dhatsun looked worse than ever. He had been called to the scene of Domas Porada. That time his stomach did not hold. He had vomited continuously for three quarters of an hour. This, and the inebriation he underwent after a mid afternoon bender, caused him to be late for court. He eventually arrived to find the jury sat waiting, anxious to discover how the vote would go. Daveanoyl Chloride, Mushy Pea, Oldham Road and Sarhiro sat, almost immobilized with fear.

Dhatsun sat in the judges box.

“Today, you will each take to the stand, your votes will be counted. Sarhiro, you will be first. Please take the stand.” Sarhiro fearfully approached the stand.

“Sarhiro, you are accused of the crime of beiong a baddie. How do you plead?”

“Not guilty.” Came the response.

“Your peers did not think so either. You received no votes. You may vacate the stand.” As Sarhiro left, she cried out in pain, her back was deep with the cut of a whip. Someone was displeased with her.

“Daveanoyl Chloride, you may take the stand.” Daveanoyl took the stand.

“Dave, you know the drill. How’s you plea?”

“Not guilty.” The response was defiant.

“You were voted for… Once. If there are no greater votes, you will die this day. Leave the stand. Oldham Road, take the stand.”

Oldham Road strutted to the stand.

“Oldham Road, you are accused of being a baddie. Your plea?”

“Not guilty.” The response carried a subtle arrogance.

“Well, your peers vote otherwise. You have two votes, and as Daveanoyl has one, you have the majority. I therefore find you to be…


As Dhatsun uttered the words, the white screen from which Red Rose died behind emerged. Oldham Road quickly lost his composure. His hair flipped back to reveal a clawed face as he pounced at Dhatsun. Dhatsun was quick to respond with a blow to the head from his gavel. Oldham Road fell to the floor, dead, his evil alignment there for all to see. He had not left, however, without taking one more life. Dhatsun fell, bleeding. A Gatewater Hotel knife lodged in his chest. He then died. His last words being:

“Game Over.”

“What the good god do we do now?” blustered a shocked Daveanoyl. He was answered by an oddly recognisable voice. Buttery Boonswoggles entered the room.

“Hey everyone, you wouldn’t believe what happened. When you all got sucked into the DS, Shigsy was passing by! He used a game-geek code to open the DS! You can all leave! Err… where is everyone?” Mushy Pea looked on the verge of tears.

“They’re all dead.” she cried

Despite the initial horror that everyone had suddenly taken to killing each other, Buttery Boonswoggles response was simple. “Press the reset button then.”

They walked up to the button, as Daveanoyl pondered aloud why they hadn’t done this in the first place. The button was pressed and all of the players became enveloped in a white light. When the light subsided everyone was present. Even IKBTY and Whitmorium. ButBoo then lead everyone out of the doors. They emerged in S20, a mere 5 minutes after they had entered, Dhatsun being the last to leave.

Daveaonyl turned to Oldham Road and hit him, claiming him to be a liar. O-Road just shrugged, as everyone laughed at Whitmorium, distraught that he had missed out on meeting Shigeru.

Dhatsun smiled at the result. It had all been a reversible game. Nobody had died. However, he looked down at his chest. A knife shaped scar was to be found.

The End.

Character Roles


Det. Dick Gumshoe – The Protector - Goodie You are Detective Gumshoe, although you’re not the sharpest tool in the Police shed your hearts most definitely in the right place. You always strive to do what’s right, and keeping the good citizens of the city safe is your top priority.

Police Protection – Once per night you can guard the house of one of the players, keeping them safe for the duration of the night.

Emergency Pistol – You have one shot. Use it wisely.

Objective: Ensure the baddies are all either incarcerated or killed.

Domas Porada

Maya Fey – The Seer - Goodie You are Maya Fey, the chirpy spiritual medium and assistant to Phoenix Wright. Your upbringing in the village of Kurain has taught you many things; most importantly, how to spot a liar.

Magatama – You possess the Magatama, the crystal of sight. With it you can see the Psyche-locks of players to determine whether they are good or evil. If they possess psyche-locks, they clearly have something to hide. You may do this once per night.

Objective: Ensure the baddies are all either incarcerated or killed.

Enthalpy Change

Mimi Miney – Murderer - Baddie You are Mimi Fey, the nurse who collapsed under pressure. You’re not really a bad person; fate really dealt you a bad hand. However, in order to escape the past, you must rid yourself of everyone who knows the real you.

Identity Change – In your attempts to hide yourself you assumed the identity of your deceased sister Ini. Resultantly, the seer cannot get through your psyche-lock and cannot tell if you are good or evil.

Murder – You must escape, and if that means killing, so be it. You have a small phial of poison; which can be administered at night to an unsuspecting person. You only have enough for one person though, so choose wisely.

Objective: Ensure all the goodies are either incarcerated or dead so you can make good your escape.

You are in the Medical Profession.


Manfred Von Karma - Corrupt Prosecutor - Baddie You are the great prosecutor Manfred Von Karma, however, the truth about your murderous past is coming to light. You cannot allow that, anyone that stands in your way must fall.

Falsified Evidence – Being the great prosecutor you are, you can control the masses with a little lie here and a gesture there. Unfortunately for them, you’re intent is malicious. If someone dies the previous night, you get two votes.

Bludgeon – Quite simple, you beat someone to death. You can only do it once, as you only have one set of spare clothes and beating someone to death with a gavel is messy. You somehow get away with doing this during the day.

Objective: Ensure all goodies are incarcerated or killed to bury all evidence of your wrongdoing.

Daveaonyl Chloride

Franziska Von Karma – Whip-toting Prosecutor – Neutral You are the famed prosecutor Franziska Von Karma. Despite only being 18, you command the courtrooms with such ferocity all bow to you. That or they’re just scared you’ll whip them. You don’t really care about what happens, as long as you don’t lose.

Whipslap! – Taste that leather! Your trusty whip ensures that people shut up. Whilst being whipped, a person cannot vote or carry out any powers. You can use this as often as you like.

Objective: Settle an old score. Ensure that Shelly de Killer either dies or is incarcerated as revenge for shooting you. This MUST be done in order for you to win.

Mushy Pea

Miles Edgeworth – Prosecutor – Goodie You are Miles Edgeworth; the dapper, English-looking prosecutor with a special way with words. Recent actions have caused you to look at your life, and now you want to make sure that you use your prosecutor powers to ensure only the villainous are put away. You have a strong bond with Phoenix, whom, despite being your rival, is a good friend.

Hold It! – Your acute legal sense serves you well. You can request for more evidence on a specific. It will arrive in the form of a riddle handed to you from me directly, when solved and handed back to me. You will then be informed of the person’s alignment. YOU MUST NOT SHOW THIS TO ANYONE. You can only use this once.

Justice – If Phoenix is killed you will avenge your rival and friend. You will gain one night-kill.

Objective: Ensure the baddies are all either incarcerated or killed.

White Rose

Phoenix Wright – Ace Attorney – Goodie You are Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney, and you here to bring Justice For All. You have a strong moral code and always seek the truth. You are a loyal man with many friends, and many enemies.

Objection! – Your legal sense tingles, you know something is wrong. And so you object. This power stops the trial for that day, rendering all voting useless. The judge, however, does not take kindly to this, and so, you may do this only once.

Psycho!!!!! – If Maya Fey is killed, you will not be happy. You get a day kill. Happy Hunting.

Objective: Make sure the baddies are either incarcerated or dead. Your call.

Don Flanioso

Acro (Ken Dingling) – Murderous Trapesist – Baddie You are Acro, one of two acrobats in the Berry Big Circus. You lost your brother, Sean (Bat) and the use of your legs in one rather crappy day and as a result, want to claim vengeance on whomever caused it. You’re not sure who it was, except that it was a goodie. So you’re gonna kill them all.

The Bust of Max Galactica – In order to keep from getting caught you can drop objects onto people’s heads to kill them. You have a bust of Max Galactica and for some reason, a single breezeblock hidden under your wheelchair. Use them wisely.

Objective – Make sure all the goodies are either incarcerated or killed in the name of Bat.

Oldham Road

Matt Engarde – Untrusting Sociopath – Baddie You are Matt Engarde, The Nickel Samurai. Refreshing like a spring Breeze everyone loves you, unfortunately you’re a manipulative emotionless sociopath. You don’t let anybody control you and your image is everything. In order to keep the good face, you gotta kill some good-intentioned idiots.

Take out a Hit – You have the services of Shelley de Killer at your disposal. You can use him twice. If he is dead before you can use him, you can still use the Gatewater Hotel steak knife. Use it only twice though, if you use it thrice, your villainous intent will be shown to all. You cannot use the knife if you have used Shelley.

Objective: make sure all the goodies are either incarcerated or killed to keep your image.


Shelley De Killer – Contract Killer – One Man Team You’re not here for the politics, or for the case. You’re a man with a job to do. It’s quite frankly as simple as that.

Contract – Matt Engarde can post a contract to you. The contract will be telegrammed from me to you in the form of a riddle, solve it for the player’s name and telegram me. You will leave a calling card behind after the murder.

Kidnap – Sometimes in order to get the job done, you gotta do some dirty stuff. You can kidnap one character for two days, during which time they are useless. If you get killed, during the kidnap period, the person is never released and resultantly starves to death. This is a one time only power, use it wisely.

Objective – EITHER – Complete the objective for Matt Engarde before his death. OR – If Engarde dies before calling in a hit, you must kill at least one person in the medical profession, for failing to save your client. After that, you have two more bullets and a penchant for night kills… Have fun.


Wendy Oldbag – Innocent Geriatric – Goodie You are the meddling Wendy Oldbag. Old, ugly and with a penchant for toy lasers, You generally cause bother for those around you. But you don’t care, as long as you get to spend some time with your beloved Edgey-poo.

Continuous Conversation – Sometimes you can get a bit carried away with yourself and don’t know when to stop talking. This can distract people from carrying out their power. You can only use it twice. After which, you must acquire throat tablets from anyone in the medical profession to carry on babbling.

Laser – Unfortunately, it’s a toy, so no killing. You can hit people with it though. It wont so anything but it may make you feel better.

Objective: Ensure the baddies are all either incarcerated or killed.

Nintenduu 64

Director Hotti – Worrying Innocent – Goodie You’re the slightly worrying self-proclaimed Director Hotti, and you’re sick… in every sense of the word. You’re probably not a doctor. But nobody seems to notice, so you take advantage of the situation, and the patients!

Perversion –You never had much luck with the ladies, fortunately all the years of being slapped and pepper-sprayed, have allowed you to build up an immunity, and as such, any powers of a woman acted upon you that doesn’t involve killing you, will not work.

Doctorate – Find a person who is also in the medical profession and you get an instant bonus of two votes for that day. Can only be done once per person found.

Objective: Ensure the baddies are all either incarcerated or killed.

You are in the Medical Profession.

The Red Rose Movement

Turner Gray – Innocent Doctor – Goodie Having run a successful clinic for years, you reputation was ruined six months ago when a nurse royally screwed up and offed fourteen of you patients. Unfortunately, people think it was you. Nice. You seek to regain your good reputation by making sure the real culprit is rid of. And you don’t care how.

Bedside Manner – Your medical equipment can save people from death during the course of one night. However, due to your Hippocratic Oath, you will invariably save any baddies that would have been killed. You only have enough equipment to do this once.

Recognition – Somebody’s lying and isn’t who they appear to be. Even the seer can’t spot it. But you can. You may check the records once a night to find the culprit of the hospital deaths. NB* This does not identify alignment, you are not the seer. This only identifies the baddie that the seer cannot see.

Objective: Make sure all the baddies are either incarcerated or killed to bring back your once great reputation.

Whitmorium (Unused)

Lotta Hart – Innocent, annoying – Goodie Hey y’all! You’re Lotta Hart. Loud and proud you’re a seedy photographer. You always want the dirt on everyone and so, you find the gossip. Unfortunately, you’re not very good. You ginger afroed witch.

Camera Action: Each night you can stalk another character with your camera glued to your hand. If that person then is murdered, you will see who did it.

Objective: Make sure all the baddies are either incarcerated or killed.


  • Controversially, the nation of Buttery Boonswoggles was barred from this game due to rule-breaking at the end of the previous one. This ban is expected to be temporary, and he is to be welcomed back to Werewolf for the game succeding this one.
  • Due to various reasons, (mainly alcohol abuse) the plots sometimes did not arrive on time. Dhatsun also confirmed that he would never host another NS Werewolf, as he 'cannot be bothered'.
  • After Day 5, Dhatsun declared that majority need not be reached for an execution. Instead the character may be executed purely on the number of votes.
  • Dark Turnabout holds the record of longest game to date. It also holds the record for most gruesome death.

The Spectrum Werewolf/Mafia Games
Werewolf | The Common Room | The Dreamings | Heroes | From Sabrateur With Love
It's Like Werewolf But Better | Harry Potter | Dark Turnabout