Darth Wraith

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The Empire of Darth Wraith


--- Ewok Tree Land.jpg

(This map is old, it was created when the nation was a confederacy)


--- Untitled.jpg The Flag of the Empire of Darth Wraith is a picture of its founder.


--- Delegate.gif

The Imperial Domination of Darth Wraith was started as the Dictatorship (then Confederacy, later the Empire) of Darth Wraith from the ashes of the decimated ruins of the Ewok Tree Land. Their leader, Darth Wraith, rules with an iron fist, but has been known to show benevolence to his people in times of need. The growing nation has joined a military alliance with The Dominion of Aterkial since the leader of that nation has been an associate of Darth Wraith for many years.

The Confederacy of Darth Wraith's government consists of an appointed council of 100 and their Emperor, Darth Wraith.

The Empire of Darth Wraith is a very large, safe nation, notable for its strong anti-business politics. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 92 million are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

The impressive economy and totalitarian government is focused maninly on Defence, Law & Order, and Education. It's income tax is 87%.

The Empire of Darth Wraith's national animal is the radioactive cockroach, and its currency is the Credit.

Some of our recent laws passed

Teenagers are sent to jail for being out after curfue Euthanasia has been legalized Corporate Giants are encouraged to buy out small businesses The Empire of Darth Wraith has begun cloning super-soldiers to bolster its armed forces Imperial scientists recently cloned the long-extinct feather-bellied radioactive cockroach Pharmacies begin to close down as medicinal drugs are sold freely by the government Membership in the state-owned Church of Darth Wraith is mandatory and all other faith organisations are banned. Referends are banned by law and the Parliament has absolute control of the legislative process.


Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Private enterprise is illegal, but there is a government promoted black market in the gambling industry. The population is 664 million, and growing!


The Day of Great Destruction

The Empire of Darth Wraith was built after a coalition of forces, led by Knights of the Ancient Kingdom, launched nuclear weapons at the major cities of the Ewok Tree Land. Over 500 Million humans were killed in the blast. The Knights went into hiding after the event, not to show up for two years.

The Rise of Darth Wraith

Born a smalltime farmer, Darth Wraith joined the Ewok Tree Land Air Force (ETLAF) after graduating from college. He quickly gained the rank of Admiral in the newly launched Space Defense Program. He was up in outer space on The Day of Great Destruction, and when he returned to the planet was met as a hero. He quickly changed his name to Darth Wraith in memory of those lost and won the greatest landslide election in the nation's history. Since then, all political freedoms, including democracy, had been outlawed. After his ascension, Darth Wraith has systematically searched for, and slaughtered all of the Knights of the Ancient Kingdom.

The Rebuild

Rebuilding the Empire of Darth Wraith has been difficult, the peoples have not been able to reach the technological marvel of the Ewok Tree Land, but are well on the way to recovery. They are currently looking to rebuild their space program and take control of The Ewok Tree Land's old Space Station and starfleet. The recovery is slow, because the largest area of mineral wealth is currently glowing green from the large sources of radiation in what is now known as The Ruined Land. Though new mining sites have been found in the south.

Nuclear Weapons

The New Nuclear Weapons Research

Trillions of credits have been poured into the Nuclear Program. The Imperial Council has determined that the lack of nuclear funding led to The Ewok Tree Land's downfall to the Knights.

Nuclear Power

The Empire has also looked into the possibility of using nuclear materials to power the nation. They have been only partially successful.

Lately Discovered

The Empire has lately discovered that eventhough the Ewok Tree Land was destroyed by Nuclear Warheads, the Great Walls surrounding the nation have stayed intact and impervious to attack.

Explorers have also found a working Air Force Base, which could help rebuild the Air Force quickly and cost effectively.

Miners have found a large vein of Diamonds, Uranium, and Platinum. Those finds will surely bolster the foreign market economy in gemtones.

The Heirarchy

The Empire has four major social groups. The Civilian, The Corporate, The Military, and The Government

The Civilian

Civilians of the Empire of Darth Wraith have the least amount of power in the nation. They are ruled by the omnipresent government in all walks of life, but do have most rights that can be expected in a Democratic Nation, except the right to vote.

The Corporate

The Corporate heads have more power, but not much more. They are pawns used by the government to keep the civilians in line, but they are left mainly alone to their own devices.

The Military

The 2nd most powerful social group. They have authority to do the Emperor's will and will follow his orders without error. They are allowed tremendous discounts on all purchases and services.

The Government

The government is made up of 100 council members and the Emperor. They have the greatest amount of power in the entire Empire. Many of them were military leaders of the Ewok Tree Land, and some were political studiers in the Ewok Tree Land. They recieve all goods and services at a 90% discount and do not pay taxes. They also can give any member of the Empire explicit orders.



The Empire of Darth Wraith is allied with region 111. The members include:

U.N. Delegate- The Imperial Domination of Darth Wraith

Founder- The Viceroyalty of Xantiqau

Member- The Dominion of Aterkial