Wind and Sail

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The Nomadic Peoples of Wind and Sail

The Nomadic Peoples of Wind and Sail is a relatively recent nation formed by an alliance of Councils a century ago. Its anarchist tendencies are reflected by its motto of 'if the boat isn't moving, throw the skipper overboard', but the saying misleads by implying a harsh and unforgiving attitude to life - the nation is renowned for its compassionate socialist policies.

To understand the archipelago it is essential to realise that many of its citizens are Sparks (see 'Technology', below).


A very high proportion of the citizens of Wind and Sail are endowed with the Spark; an ability to use scientific and technological principles to fantastic - and sometimes catastrophic - effect. This the main source of technological progress in the archipelago, and so technology does not usually advance or function in a way that seems logical to outsiders.

For example, constructs - organic creations created by either advanced genetic modification or surgical grafting techniques - and clanks - mechanical creations akin to clockwork or steam powered robots - are common sources of manual labour.

It has also become more common to live on a gigantic, city supporting, wind powered ship or airship than to live on land.*

History and Politics

The many islands which make up Wind and Sail have lain off the coast of the Hethrumite continent since the dawn of time, but its diverse and fiercely independent factions resisted organised government until a mere century ago, when the Treaty of Councils forged by Erudan the Lawgiver allowed the already powerful Councils and Guilds to form a Parliament.

Over the years this Parliament has made many changes, perhaps the most important being the anti-capitalist initiatives spearheaded by Vardi the Verbose's crushing denouncement of the corrupt Guilds. Hence a vague concept of decentralised anarcho-socialism has guided most political thought, with local Councils holding much of the power and big business virtually illegal.

The organisation of most Councils is loose, with an elected Triumvirate of Prime Ministers handling most affairs, and vaguely defined echelons of officials below them. The politicians with the most power tend to be Sparks, although it is certainly not a requirement for high office.


The spirit of anarchism within the archipelago has made an maintaining an organised standing army impossible. However, the nation is far from defenseless, as the inventions of apprentice Sparks are usually far from benign - as the erudite Erudan put it, when putting severe stress on the fundamental laws of the universe, wanton destruction is far easier than controlled construction.

Or as the young Agatha Heterodyne put it: 'Hehe. Death ray go boom.'**

Despite the lack of a standing army, a militia can be organised at the behest of a three-quarters majority in Parliament, or organised very quickly by the unanimous command of all three Prime Ministers. To avoid the possibility of the Triumvirate seizing power in this way, the army must then be supported by the Parliament - if this support is not forthcoming within a fortnight, the army must be disbanded or, by law, it must capture and detain the Prime Ministers for misuse of office, to be tried by Parliament. Hence a military force can be summoned by the Triumvirate at short notice to repel an immediate threat, but not used to usurp the electorate.

Local Council leaders also have the right to withhold troops if they feel the purpose of the militia to be against the interests of Wind and Sail; however this is frowned upon as a hindrance to the Triumvirate if their cause is just and as usurping the role of Parliament if it is unjust. Therefore this right is seldom exercised, although its use has often been threatened in the past.


Main languages spoken in the archipelago include Karsh, Carabas and Abbedon. These three are recognised as official languages - however they have different levels of subtlety in accordance with the attitudes of their island of origin. Hence the precise language of Abbedon is often used for negotiations and politics, the subtle, nuanced language of Carabas is prevalent in poetry and literature, while the simplistic Karsh usually finds its way into rabble rousing speeches and tabloid newspapers.

National animal

The national animal of Wind and Sail is the albatross - the bird is common in the archipelago and admired not only for its freedom and independence, but also for its convivial nature when a gathering converges.

-*For more information on the Spark and related subjects, 'True Events in the Life of Agatha Heterodyne' by Professors Foglio and Foglio of Transylvania Polygnostic University is a very comprehensive resource, and can be found at Thank you to the Professors for inspiring this nation!

-**Again, cannot be recommended highly enough.