Ballistic Board-to-Board Rocket

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The Ballistic Board-to-Board Rocket was the project name for the development of an unguided rocket for use by soviet Frigates against surface targets. The first projectil that was developed was used by the Convergance Rockets of soviet Dubnov-class Rocket Vessels instead of the frigates it had originally been designed for. When the first rockets meeting the Frigate armament requirements had been developed, the Convergance rocket was redesignated "BtBRocket 2". After a fleet of Rocket Vessels suffered devastating losses to light allied air raids, the BtB 2 was modified for anti-air combat.

Ballistic Board-to-Board Rocket

BBtB Rocket, redesignated BBtB Rocket 2

  • This rocket type was very inaccurate. Projectiles were scattered so much that the weapon was essentially useless in combating anything smaller than a tank, especially when used at maximum range, making them a useful psychological weapon, but ineffective in bombardment.
  • Launched in an high angle from 10X or 20X launchers, these rockets had a range almost matching that of the V3 Rocket and later 155mm Artillery Guns.
  • Originally launchers had been designed to fire only one rocket at a time, and early designs of the BBtB Rocket 2 thought it as a modifed FROG. With the need for greater numbers to be launched simultaneously, the warheads were reduced in size.
  • All rockets ever deployed used Artillery High Explosive warhead, though AP, Chemical or Fragmentation and various other would have been possible and arguably more effective, especially those with a further spread. A well-considered desgin was using Napalm warheads, which would have allowed a Rocket Vessel to start simultaneous fires in dozens of places with one salvo from a safe distance, dealing a fatal blow to civilian or unhardened targets.