Kyoko Taisen

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Sakura Taisen is a realatively unknown figure in Kuronan history. She is become known for her amazing documentation of alleged UFO and Alien Encounters on her farm in Kurona, that lasted from June 06, 1918 to January 12 1919. The case remains unexplained.

Kyoko Machiko Taisen
Agust 22, 1899-Janauary 12, 1941
Yukito Honda (1900-1955)
(married: 1922-1941)
Two Twin Daughters
Exiled Kuronan

Birth and Early Days

It isn't known where Kyoko was orginally born, speculation says Japan or somewhere in the Pacific region. Her Parents immigrated to Kurona while it was still under rapid colonization in 1905. In September of 1906, Kyoko's mother died from complications due to childbirth, it was very hard on the whole family. Kyo's formal eduation began when she was 7 at a neabry private girls school. Kyoko was an average student who seldom exceeded the expectations of teachers or peers. Kyo eventually left home when she was 17 to get married to a migrant farm worker. However she was abandoned at 19 leaving her on a small farm in the middle of the Kuronan wilderness, by her self.

UFO Encounters

Kyo's encounters began when she was still 18. On the night of June 5, 1918 aKyoko Taisen reported a series of strange events near her country home. This would lead to a series of unusual claims of other encounters. This was deemed a CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE 1ST KIND

Summer 1918

In what was seemingly an oridany night Kyo began to see a strange light in the sky. Too bright to be a star she thought it could have been a planet. But it soon began to move in unusual ways, and even seemed to responde to whenver she held a lantern to it. It flashing many colors. Red, green, blue, yellow. It was silent and very still. Strange beams of light were shooting down from it, and then it suddenly took off. Straight up into the air. Frightend by the night Kyo climed into bed and slept. The next morning Kyo went to the forest admist a drizzle to see if she could find anything. Nothing. Kyo asked her neighbor if she had seen anything but the nieghbor had only seen lights, and not the the behavior Kyo had encountered.

From June through July Ms. Taisen had contiuned seeing strange lights and objects in the sky near her country home. It wasn't untill August of that year did her encounters intesify. Thus deemed a Close Encounter of the Second Kind. One stormy night Kyo had her secound encounter, as she settled in for a bath, the house began to shake violently. Under the impression a twister was approaching, she threw on her bathrobe and prepared to got to shelter. As she stepped outside a large disc hoverd very close. The saucer appeard to be on fire, and the ship slowly dipped behind the tree line. Kyo threw on her raincoat and went to check it out, she saw the giant disc just sitting on the ground not moving. But the object quickly took off straight up into the sky leaving burning trees in it's wake.

Kyo had yet another encounter with a large diamond object, only this object left sever burns all over her body, which took weeks to heal. Kyo apparently however wasn't the only one to encounter burns that evening, many other Kuronans recived minor-sever burns.

Winter 1918

The encounters contiuned for well over the next months but then there was the Christmas Encounter, a close encounter of the third kind. These encounters began to become more and more frequant.

A strong winter storm had left Kyo stuck inside her home and alone on Christmass Eve. This is when her 3rd Kind Encounters began. The doors blew open and the windows shattered and Kyo recalls being flooded in light. After a breif blackout Kyo awoke in an unknown room where she was being poked and prodded by strange creatures. One creature spoke to her telling her his name and where he was from.

By January her encounters became frequent Diary evidence suggest she was even writing and taken at the same moment in time. Kyo was taken for a final time on January 12, 1919 where she was supposedly given a bone chilling prohecy about the future of the Earth.

Investigation "PROJECT PHOENIX"