Vigorithian Politics

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Vigorithian Politics
Government Type
Contemplative Democrats
Brent Lerwick
Government Founded


Vigorithia has it's own unique system and it's own unique government and they refer to themselves as the "Contemplative Democrats" The Leader is elected to an unset term and the leader works actively with the 'Councils' of Vigorithia. and the people of Vigorithia.

The system works as a power triangle. Each part of Vigorithia is turned into a Political State, and in each political state there is a Council responsible for the welfare of that particular State. (eg: The Southern Western Council are responsible for what happens in the Southern West State of Vigorithia.) In each town there is a building known as a 'Political Voicer', this building is where employees and/or members of the council are based and normal folk can come in here to discuss their views and opinions. If an opinion said by someone there needs to be bought to attention, then it becomes an issue of the Vigorithian Council in that area, and if needed, goes to the other Councils across Vigorithia (10 in total) and then goes into a 'sub-finished' status between all of the Councils and the Government and then a final decision is made and a law implemented which spreads across Vigorithia.

The branches in Vigorithian also have certain set areas, a typical branch has 50 people employed, 5 will participate in Education, 5 in Health, 5 in Crime, 5 in Transport, 5 in Military, 5 in Foreign Affairs, 5 in Business, 5 in Imports and Exports, 5 in Tourism and 5 in Misc. Roles.

The Elections in Vigorithia are frequent and optional. Local Council elections are usually submitted to the public in leaflets and the public get a choice on who they want to elect as a new Council Member. Larger Scale elections are determined by the Councils across Vigorithia who work actively with the citizens. Third Party Political Parties are actively encouraged. The ruling party in Vigorithia at the moment is the Individual Conquession party. The other partys include the Vigorithian Freedom Party, the Liberal Party and the Speech Movement Party. Elections usually take place once every 5 years, although the number is different depending on the economy. In each Election Paper that goes out to the citizens, there is an option for the parties and another option for none at all. Elections usually take time in Vigorithia.

Law and Order

Vigorithian Law and Order is a very strong aspect of the Vigorithian Lifestyle, the citizens needs to keep safe and feel safe at all times. To handle Law & Order effectively, the government issue the 10 Councils across Vigorithia to be responsible for what happens in the face of crime, and therefore many parts of Vigorithia have a unique local way of handling crime.

In the central states, hunting the native bears is considered a strong offense and lands any offender in prison for a year if caught. The Northern States have limitations on Fishing and what fish can be caught and eaten and those that cannot. The Southern States take a more relaxed way of working in Crime, although as the 'farmland' section of Vigorithia it's usually exploited far more than the other areas of Vigorithia and usually sets heavy penalties for those who farm on empty land.

Court Cases in Vigorithia are typical of many court cases across the world.


Vigorithia is a rich and prosperous country as you know, and the education is at the highest standards. Schooling starts at 5 Years old and ends at 15. Optional, further education is possible for many students and most choose to stay on for it. The Compulsory system focuses on building it's up it's youth population in Intelligence and Knowledge.

The Primary Schooling System Lasts from 5 years of age to 10 years of age. The Vigorithian Education Section works on developing a child at that age, so all subjects the child takes are compulsory, the subjects are: Maths, Vigorithian, Science, ICT, P.E and others exclusive to certain schools.

The Secondary Schooling System works on developing childrens skills and turning them into young adults. The Compulsory System forces pupils to learn Maths and Vigorithian throughout their time in Secondary School. The options avaliable to the pupils are vast though, over 20 languages are avaliable to learn, Business Studies, ICT, Art, Design Subjects, History, Geography, Social Studies, P.E Options, Science Subjects, Music, Agricultural Studies and many more subjects of choice out there. The relaxed way of life and learning that exists also means Vigorithian Pupils are usually very intelligent and very open-minded with strong opinions.

Adult Education Centres are common across Vigorithia for those who want extra education in an older age.


The Vigorithian health system is seperated into different parts that deal with seperate issues. Small Doctor Buildings sit in most small towns that deal with small illnesses and non-urgent issues. The next part of the health system in Vigorithia deals with the illnesses that the youth get, a specialist 'Childrens Ward', the other health system in Vigorithia deals with the adults, and is the most busiest of the systems. The Final system deals with the elderly population.

Vigorithian Health is generally at a high standard and one of the best across the world. The Health Care system is funded by the Government and in Taxes.


Vigorithia is deeply involved in the mass transit service. The Vigorithian Transport Sections wish to have organized roads going through the country. Battery Power Cars are suprisingly the norm in Vigorithia after a government funded scheme in 1996. Battery Relay Stations are now the norm in Vigorithia. Public Transport is often used by the public and walking has always been popular with the citizens of Vigorithia.

Some people in Vigorithia have been calling for an outright ban on Petrol and Diesel. The country is of one of the cleanest of the world, and Vigorithians want the petrol guzzlers banned.


Vigorithia's main army is composed of the navy. The Vigorithian navy are the main protectors of the island and do it well. Vigorithia have never actually tested their Military in a proper war or attack, however they are sending aid to the Borderline at the current time, but no military Units.

Vigorithia has no need for a heavy army.

== Factbook ==

Long Form: The Conquessional States of Vigorithia

Short Form: Vigorithia

Data Code: VA

Government type: Contemplative Democrats

Capital City: Yeillë City

Administrative divisions: 10 Counties, 4 Independant Cities Southern Eastern Vigorithia, Sandy Southern Region, Southern Western Region, Capital Section, Western Section, Central Glaciers Section, Northern Stretch, Eastern Section, Grassland Region, Seafront Basin, Yeillë City, Sacraä, Kostea Town, Syrdorr City.

Independence: 1289. 7th of August

National holiday: 7th of August

Constitution: 1289

Elections: Held every 5 years usually.


Vigorithia is a very free and liberal country. But has many different laws and rulings attached to it to keep society at a level of reality. But here is some laws that Vigorithia has in place.

== Rights of Vigorithians ==

Right to Marriage: 18 Years of Age.

Right to Vote: 16 Years of Age.

Right to Drive: 16 Years of Age.

Right to Smoke: N/a (unlimited)

Right to Drink: N/a (unlimited)

== Acts Enabled ==

The Act of Parental Proof The Law forcing Parents to prove their ability to act as parents and being able to raise a child. (Effective: 1984)

Mining Act The Law protecting over 65% of the mountains from being mined. Effective: 1986

The Nudity Act The Law banning Nudists from walking the streets. Effective: 1992

Abortion Act The Law allowing women to abort their babies. (Effective: 1997)

Euthanasia Act The Law allowing assisted suicide if proof is shown of need. Effective: 2001

Hunting Act The Law banning hunting of Gismos and various other species on the island. Effective: 2001

Smoking Act The law stopping Smokers from damaging peoples health by Smoking Outside. Effective: 2001

Death Penalty The Law allowing Death Penalty over Rehabilitation is bought in. Effective: 2003

Artistical and Cultural Act The Law allowing Education to flourish in the Arts, allowing children more choice at a young age, allowing them to expand on their knowledhge. Effective: 2004