Elisa Day

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Elisa Day
Speaker for the Oligarchy
Hair / Eye Color
Brown / Blue



Elisa Day is an exceptionally powerful, if untrained, psychic and has a direct neural-link to the Hack's Neural Network. She works as the Speaker for the Oligarchy.



Elisa started her career as the Hack's ambassador to The Teutonic Empire of Lavenrunz, arriving in that nation not long after the infamous Winter Ball. Her performance in that post was exemplary, especially her performance at the United Nations Mediation Committee, which is what eventually led to her promotion to Director of Foreign Affairs.

As the Director of Foreign Affairs, she took over much of the PR work that was done by then SpeakerVictor Solis, allowing him to focus more on administrative duties. When he ascended to President for Life, she assumed all of the duties, but not the title or power, of Speaker for the President. It wasn't until events in Eurusea that she released that she actually did have the position of Speaker, a fact that was not made public.

When Victor stepped down as President and the Oligarchy took control of the government, her official title was changed to 'Speaker for the Oligarchy'. This, officially, gave her the title she had been missing, as well as altered her political power. While the Oligarchy has no clear leader, she is still the face of the Oligarchy, and thus her opinions are highly valued by members of the Oligarchy. Also, with that lack of oversight, she has much greater leeway in what she does, and what she funds. lllll


After Elisa became the ambassador to Lavenrunz, but before she became Director of Foreign Affairs, she would often suppliment her income by giving lectures at various universities in the Hack and in GMC. It was at one such lecture that she met a student by the name of Sarah Hopkins. The two hit it off rather well, and quickly begain dating, when time allowed. After Sarah graduated from college, the two were married. They didn't see each other as much as they'd like, but both were very busy.

Through a mutual connection, she met with Faye Madigan, Director of the Eurusean Intelligence Agency. The two got along reasonably well, despite a great degree of friction between the two over the fate of Anya. The two eventually became quite close, and have violated any number of security regulations from sharing information back and forth for personal reference, and for the ultimate betterment of both nations.

Psychic Ability

Elisa has substantial psychic abilities, allowing her to levitate large objects, desintegrate fragile materials (wood, textiles, paper), as well as mild telepathic abilities. While not powerful on the world scene, she is likely one of the most potent Hack citizens; as the Hack's ratio is 1:500,000,000 (although this number is changing with emigration from GMC, where psychics are much more common).

Current Status

Elisa was recently targeted for assassination by elements in Faye's Agency. Luckily, Faye learned of the assassination attempt and sent a Red Commando to neutralyze Elisa's would-be assailant. The Commando was exceptionally effective, partially dimembering the attacker. To ensure Elisa's safety, Faye took her with, allowing the general public to believe that she had been killed, and her body taken. Elisa was exceptionally shaken by this event, having had no military training, and no real experience in coping with anything of the like. If took her several days before she felt comfortable enough to actually sleep in bed. Eventually, Sarah and certain key officials in the Oligarchy were told that Elisa was actually alive, but not until after her funeral. To the world in general, however, she is dead. Murder, perhaps?