Daistallian Krait

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Daistallian Krait

The Daistallian Krait is a species of Bungarus, a genus of venomous elapid snakes. Daistallian Kraits are usually range between 1 to 1.5 m in length, although specimens as large as 2 m have been observed. It is covered in smooth glossy scales that are arranged in bold striped patterns of alternating black and light-colored areas.

Krait venom is a neurotoxic venom which is many times more potent than cobra venom. It is extremely powerful and quickly induces muscle paralysis. Fortunately, since kraits are nocturnal they seldom encounter humans during daylight hours so bites are rare. Nonetheless, any bite from a Daistallian Krait is extremely life-threatening and must be treated seriously. Without antivenom, there is an 95% mortality rate among bite victims. Unfortunately antivenom is often ineffective and as a result, mortality rate is at 85% even with treatment.

catagory: Daistallia 2104 catagory: Daistallian species