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The Kingdom of Datium


"Der í non eurcúr du peáse" - UN Category: Democratic Socialists

The Confederacy of Datium is a very large, safe nation, remarkable for its complete lack of prisons. Its compassionate population of 141 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt. The Island Nation of Datium are the Regional UN Delegate of New Europe and have world-wide powerful Armed Forces.


Datium, with the help of Alfegos and several other allies, went to war with Gurienz and Miroxia and won. This was known as the Gurien War which caused several upsets but then later was solved, with thanks to Shazbotdam. Datium and Miroxia are now allies and are part of a campaign in the protection of Mountain goats, Many people of the nation of solenial celebrate an annual festival to datium because Datium saved Solenial from Gurienz not so long a go.

The main cities include Jevkay (Capital), Kreshal, Coshastati, Regalton, Portvay (Solenial Mainland) and Revyal Port (Gurien Mainland)


The Politics of Datium is a mixture of traditional and modern decisions, The King of Datium is allowed in the HGI (House of Governmental Issues) and has the same power as 25 MP's, the Prime Minister has the same power as 25 MP's and there are 75 elected, county-state MP's. When an issue is brought up and the King (Royal Minister)and Prime Minister agree on the same conclusion it would take at least 51/75 of the total number of MP's to outnumber the Head Ministry (Royal Minister and Prime Minister) if an issue fit into a certain ministers category e.g Defence Minister, then the Minister will 'inherit' the same power as 10 MP's. Meaning if the Minister, Prime Minister and Royal minister all agree on the same conclusion the it would take 61/75 MP's to outnumber they're decision.

List of Ministers:

Royal Minister: King Gruhald VI Prime Minister: Julio Morass Finance Minister: Peter Trump Foreign Minister: Ger Hindoffel Defence Minister: Tony Lynch Interior Minister: Carol Winterbottom Education Minister: Ryan Laing Enviroment Minister: Graham Anderson Health Minister: James Kyle Justice Minister: Holly Nougat Culture Minister: Petr Franc Minister of Space Endeavour: Julyt Hurst Head Party: CSP (Capital State Party)

all the Minister's make up the cabinet and each person has an office for example the Royal Minister's is Gruhald Palace, the Defence Ministers is 143 Jevkay ave. there are three main partys in Datius Politics; CSP, Liberalarians and Conservationists. People are aloud to vote for other parties but are reccomended to vote one of the three.


The History of Datium is a large and vast one consisting of many wars and progression...

1500 BC - 0 AD

During this Period of Time The Mainland of Datium was relatively empty, consting of several hunter-gatherer folk it is thought that these people were one of the first Monotheists.

0 AD - 1500 AD

As life in the Datius Isles Progressed soon factions and Tribes split and it was rather common for 3 tribes to go to war with another 3 tribes just for food but there was only 1 tribe which only went to war for the 'fun' of it and the was the 'Kauwi' tribe who has always been a paranoid, war-mongering tribe, but around 1450 a ship consisting of 500 men and large supply off-loaded on to the island and made peace with most of the tribes but many a war were fought against the Kauwi

1500 AD - 1950 AD

The time of Growth for Datium meany war for land was fought with other bigger countries until Datium became the largest in the region consisting of 7 main islands, The King stayed dominant through varios attempts of the destruction of the Monarchy and made way for the Illustrious Nation that we call Datium


The war of the Kauwi lasted for 12 years and the army finally managed to place them on reservations all the other natives lived normal lives


The Gurien Miroxian War lasted for 3 years but Datium managed to get the Gurien forces out of Solenial take they're south coast and Invade Miroxia, Now after the war has been over for 3 months gurien and Datium stay out each others way and Miroxia are good friends of the King


Datium are currently fighting in the Island nation of Alestra on the side of the Natives against the Colenial's despite the conflicts against the 'Kauwi' the King and Prime Minister think that these Natives are right for wanting their land.

Geography & Tourism

Datium is Situated in the East Pacific near Solenial, Gurien, Ulberny and A Liberated New Europe. they are part of the region of New Europe and have some of the best beaches in the World, tourism has greatly increased in the last 5 years and Datium has reefs rivalling Australia's!
