The Abhorder Priest-Queen of Anmerba

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The Abhorder Priest-Queen of Anmerba is the eighth text within The Book of the High Priests .

The Abhorder Priest-Queen of Anmerba

Translated by Sir Bartholomew Athens Montblanc

"When the faith had come unto Desh and Maa,Monma Monmai and all the other seven princes of the dead cities were expelled * ,there came piece into the mind of the world.Yet the un-enlignhtened gathered in great throngs in the deserts at night,to plan the death of the King Most Divine.And each sought a revelation by some foreign God,to recieve his message and spread his words against the other (words-the religion).And one day,to one woman,this revelation came.Her name was Munmer-Nama.And she recieved her visions from the Great God Anmerba of the ten thoousand minds.So many marvels were given unto her by Him that she made her own city,that she named Manomaa,where the foulest of the foul were dragged from their holes and there she became the priest-queen,reigning over theese week fools until 8 times 30 days ** when the Ashora disposed of her,yet he could not scale her walls and so he sent an emisary,hidden,who brought his gift of oblivion ***.Yet those within the city,already marked as those of Anmerba he could not touch and so only slew those who slackened their faith and never were to recieve Anmerba's sign."

  • Seven Ancient Daemons with godly powers,who represent temptation to go against the "Ruler of the World"-it implies that one must always be obedient to his spiritual overlord.They were reportedly the spirutual rulers of the earth after the death of the cities.Only Ma and Monma Monmi were named.
    • 8 times 30 days = 240 days,the ceremonial year of Desh,not normaly used in chronicles.
      • Ashora had Munmer-Nama murdered by one of her bribed followers.