The Second War of Greater Holdinia

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Second War of Greater Holdinia Summary
Date: June 2007 - November 2008
Locations: Holdinia
Result: St Samuel & Allies victorious. Emergence of the United Federal Kingdom of Saint Holden
Deaths (approx.)
Main Combatants
St Samuel & Allies Southern Holdinia & Allies
St Samuel
Abu Omar
Samah Island
Abu Hana
Di Maria
Della Cruz
North Ossiana
South Ossiana
Mount Francis
Port Derbyshire
Barrington Hill
Fort Booth
San Nicholas
Fort Glendale
St Eades
Los Kanteena
Isle of Louis
Newton Island
St Matthews
Charles Island
St Denise
Fort Bradley
St Liam
Taylors Hill
St James Bay
Southern Holdinia
Mount Klaka
Dorney Islands
Stock Island

The Second War of Greater Holdinia was a regional military conflict which lasted one year from 2007 to 2008. The war came about at the collapse of the Union of Saint Holden and resulted in the creation of the United Federal Kingdom of St Samuel.

Build up to the war

The build up to the Second War of Greater Holdinia had a long and complicated history. The main factors that led to the war were the Stevens Bay conflict, oil disputes between St Samuel and Southern Holdinia and the collapse of the Union of Saint Holden.

Southern Holdinia Trade Embargo

On the 25th of May 2007 the Union of Saint Holden voted to impose a full trade embargo on Southern Holdinia, against the will of a number of member nations. The reason for the embargo was Southern Holdinia's support for Fellini occupation in Stevens Bay. The trade embargo strongly damaged some of the neighbouring countries economies and led to growing tension within the union.

Collapse of the Union of Saint Holden

On the 2nd June 2007 Fort Glendale, Taylors Hill, Di Maria, Goddard Isles, Abu Hana, Esslemont, Mount Klaka, Tuffinica, Savilliana and Fort Booth removed themselves from the Union of Saint Holden over the handling of the Stevens Bay conflict. The conflict in Stevens Bay had taken a turn for the worse and disagreements over the future of Stevens Bay had given rise to cracks in the unity of the Union of Saint Holden.

After the 10 nation pull out from the Union of Saint Holden, St Samuel declared the union a dieing and antiquated union and removed itself from the union signalling the end of the Union of Saint Holden on the 10th of June 2007.

Oil Disputes

After the finding of large deep sea oil reserves off the coast of South Ossiana, by Southern Holdinian scientists, the Southern Holdinia government lay claim to large portions of the oil fields. St Samuel strongly opposed Southern Holdinia's claims and talks over the oil fields ended without a conclusion.

On the 4th of June 2007 Southern Holdinia and South Ossiana cut off diplomatic ties and tensions rose over the under sea oil fields. St Samuel and Southern Holdinia reached an all time low, with St Samuel foreign minister accusing Southern Holdinia of supporting rebel terror groups in Stevens Bay and attempting to steal oil from other countries in the region.

Stevens Bay conflict

The Stevens Bay conflict has a deep history of inter-tribal rivalry and these problems erupted into war in 2007. The collapse of the coalition government led to a civil war with Fellini's fighting against Ossia, Jordini Muslims and Stevinian Curt's. An international task force led by [St Samuel] and including support from Bevanbrook, Samah Island, Mount Francis, Della Cruz, Port Derbyshire, Fort Booth, Abu Omar, San Nicholas, St Eades, Mount Klaka, Port Robertson, Port Thake, St James, Fort Bradley, Calizorinstan, Angaor, Kurona, Tolvan, Siap and UK2.

The international task force was successful in containing the conflict and by the end of May had suppressed Fellini forces and occupied all of Stevens Bay. Rebel fighters continued to fight the international task force.

On the 12th of June it was revealed that soldiers from Shadiaq were supporting the Fellini rebels and receiving arms from AANAN.

Other Factors

On the 7th June 2007 Pro-Union of Saint Holden, Southern Holdinian politican and presidential candidate, Youri Innsbruckheim was found murdered in a hotel room. His political party, Democratic Peoples Party of Southern Holdinia (DPPSH) accused President Wolfgang Von Deissman of Southern Holdinia to be behind the murder. This led to DPPSH supporters clashing with police in Southern Holdinia.

Tensions rise further on the 14th of July after South Ossiana allow St Samuel forces to base themselves in South Ossiana to prevent any attack by Southern Holdinia. On the same day 12 South Ossian sailors are taken prisoner by Southern Holdinian forces after there patrol ship is seized after being accused of straying into Southern Holdinian waters.


St Samuel & Allies

  • St Samuel
  • Abu Omar
  • Calizorinstan
  • Samah Island
  • Abu Hana
  • Lariya
  • Di Maria
  • Della Cruz
  • North Ossiana
  • South Ossiana
  • Mount Francis
  • Bevanbrook
  • Port Derbyshire
  • Barrington Hill
  • Fort Booth
  • San Nicholas
  • Fort Glendale
  • St Eades
  • Los Kanteena
  • Viallia
  • Isle of Louis
  • Newton Island
  • Cefai
  • St Matthews
  • Charles Island
  • St Denise
  • Fort Bradley
  • St Liam
  • Taylors Hill
  • St James Bay

Southern Holdinia & Allies

  • Southern Holdinia
  • Mount Klaka
  • Esslmenont
  • Tuffinica
  • Moodiqa
  • Shadiaq
  • Maleeqa
  • Sherifidan
  • Salehstan
  • Morsey
  • Vanagos
  • Dorney Islands
  • Nomisca
  • Stock Island
  • Trasconia
  • Erdna

Arab Alliance of non-aligned Nations

On the 13th of June 2007 Shadiaq, Moodiqa, Maleeqa, Sherfidan and Salehstan formed the Arab Alliance of non-aligned Nations (AANAN) in order to oppose those Arab countries that had shown allegiance to St Samuel. AANAN soon allied themselves with Southern Holdinia and sent 25,000 millitia men to Stevens Bay, to fight against the Jordini Muslims who they believe had turned to St Samuel.

The Second War of Greater Holdinia Timeline

On the 15th of June 2007 Southern Holdinian and AANAA forces amassed in Tuffinica as they prepared to launch an invasion into Stevens Bay. The next day the combined Southern Holdinian, Tuffinican and AANAN force invade Stevens Bay over running the south of the country.

Meanwhile the Southern Holdinian air force began bombing South Ossiana.

Prime Minister De Molay announced that he was sending 200,000 St Samuel troops to move to Stevens Bay.

On the 19th of June 2007 AANAN forces launched attacks on Lariya as reprisals to joining with St Samuel.

20th of June 2007, Mount Klaka and Esslemont allign themselves with Southern Holdinia.

Outright war erupts between Southern Holdinia and St Samuel on the 22nd of June. The main theartres of war being Stevens Bay, Lariya and South Ossiana.

23rd of June 2007 - Fierce naval battles between St Samuel and Southern Holdinia take place around the island regions.

24th of June 2007 - St Samuel forces begin large offensive on Esslemont.

26th of June 2007 - Southern Holdinia invades Savilliana and set out deadlines for St Liam, Fort Bradley, St James Bay and Taylors Hill to join them.

30th of June 2007 - Southern Holdinia launch offensives on St Liam, Fort Bradley and Taylors Hill.

2nd of July 2007 - 100,000 St Samuel troops arrive in St James Bay to support them against Southern Holdinia.

5th of July 2007 - St Samuel and St James Bay launch counter offensive in Fort Bradley against Southern Holdinia forces.

6th July 2007 - St Samuel launch invasion on Mount Klaka.

7th of July 2007 - St Samuel begin bombing campaign on Southern Holdinia.

9th of July 2007 - Large St Samuel ground force invade Moodiqa.

10th July 2007 - St Samuel forces launch invasions on Shadiaq, Maleeqa and Salehstan.

15th July 2007 - St Samuel forces launch invasion on Sheifidan

21st July 2007 - Salehstan forces surrender to St Samuel forces. Sporadic fighting in Salehstan continues.

22nd July 2007 - Calizorinstan declares it's support for St Samuel and pledges millitary support.

24th July 2007 - St Samuel step up operations in Stevens Bay.

26th July 2007 - Calizorinstan forces send 15,000 troops to bolster it's peace keeping forces already in Stevens Bay and a further 10,000 troops to South Ossiana where a force of 30,000 St Samuel soldiers are fighting against a Southern Holdinian invasion force.

27th of July 2007 - The Federation of Angaor pledges it's support for St Samuel.

1st of August 2007 - 10,000 Angaorian soldiers arrive in Stevens Bay. [[St Samuel send a further 80,000 troops along with 5,000 troops from Calizorinstan.

2nd of August 2007 - St Samuel, South Ossian and Calizorinstan forces are victorious in South Ossiana, having routed the Southern Holdinia forces and took 4326 Southern Holdinian prisoners.

3rd of August 2007 - 864 St Samuel civillians reported dead and a further 3622 injured after a day of violence which saw Southern Holdinia targeting civillian structures. The worst hit areas were the De Vere and Saint Claire provinces after Southern Holdinia launched hundreds of missiles from Esslemont. The St Samuel air force also fought valiantly against the Southern Holdinian airforce who attempted to cause mayhem in the south of St Samuel.

5th of August 2007 - St Samuel launch Operation Khaki Flame with a huge force of 150,000 St Samuel troops, supported by 10,000 Calizorinstan troops and 8,000 Angaor troops into Esslemont.

6th of August 2007 - St Samuel and Moodiqan rebels are successful in Moodiqa, after Moodiqa's government forces surrender.

7th of August 2007 - Large numbers of Southern Holdinian and AANAN forces begin surrendering to allied forces.

Aftermath of the war

Casualties, civilian impact, and atrocities

War trials