Political Parties of Hispania Ulterior

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The Below is a brief description of the various ideologies of the political parties of the Russian Federal Republic of Hispania Ulterior.

Jamaican Democratic Socialist Party (JDSP)

The Jamaican Democratic Socialist Party of Hispania Ulterior is viewed by many as the main party of the Federal Republic. Geared towards a moderate policy of Democratic Socialism, the party's main focus is on education and other social reforms that look to help the poor of the Federal Republic. Unlike the extremes of the Communist opposition party, the JDSP does favor a more capitalist economy though one which is highly regulated by the state.

Cuban Communist Party (CCP)

Compared to other ruling Communist parties in the world the Cuban Communist Party is a majority party within the Federal Republic, seeing good results during elections. Retaining a stricter adherence to the tradition of Marxism-Leninism, the party is more deeply committed to the concept of socialism. The party has favored supporting communist revolutions abroad by sending thousands of doctors, agricultural technicians, and other professionals to other countries throughout the developing world.

Dominican Nationalist Party (DNP)

Believed to be nothing more than a fascist party, the Dominican Nationalist Party of Hispania Ulterior is a minority party that boasts the ideals of nationalism and capitalism. They believe a complete loyalty to Russia is the key to the Federal Republic's success and wants to see less restrictions on the market so as the expand the economic power Hispania Ulterior has. Though they have gained very little popular or seats within the Federal Council, the Dominican Nationalist Party has received a notable cult following.

Haiti Democratic Party (HDP)

Perhaps the smallest of the political parties of Hispania Ulterior, the Haiti Democratic Party stands solely for the creation of a completely capitalist democratic government within the Federal Republic. Unlike many of the other parties that contain a majority Orthodox christian base, the HDP is comprised mostly of the Cologian Catholics. Though the party see almost non-existent success, they do control a small loyalty within the Cologian Catholic community within the Federal Republic.