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The People's Republic of Alfegos resides in the region of Nova. This nation is also presently the UN Delegate for Nova.

Origins of Name

The name Alfegos was originally spelt Al'Fego, meaning "The Forest" in Fegosian. It is still spelt so in the Fegosian seal of Alfegos.



The country now known as Alfegos is believed to have been colonised by prehistoric man around about 6000 BC. The oldest records found have been dated to 5500 BC. There were only a few hundred people who lived a hunter-gatherer life in the rainforests of Alfegos, before the advent of farming.

The Age of Growth and Fall

When farming came about, archeological evidence has shown that it co-incided with the massive growth of the population of the island, to a few thousand, and the deforestation of a large area of the Polinas region. Yet this soon led to uncontrolled deforestation, leading to the eventual population decline in 1800 BC

The Advent of Technology

It is not known which country brought classical technology to Alfegos. But it is known that it bought about the mass fishing of the seas to provide for the country, as well as sustainable farming on the coastal regions. This power is known to have supported the Alfegos civilisation until 400 AD. Then, the civilisation disappeared without a trace, leaving the country to collapse.

The Dark Age

After this the Alfegos population lived in many small tribal kingdoms, in total about 20, which continually fought for dominance of the land. In this time, many of the ways learnt by the people were lost, leading to deforestation and a fall in population. It is thought that this contributed to the formation of the Polinas deadlands.

The Renaissance

In 708 AD, when surving traces of writing have been found, the country united under one king: Fegos the First. His war of takeover on the island made sure that the kingdom was united again. The techniques used during the Advent of Technology were rediscovered, leading to the massive growth in population to 22, 500 in 1700 AD.

The Industrial Age

In 1708, an Alfegosian engineer named Basil Alins discovered the power of electricity, with a number of other inventors. This was put to use at first by powering machines in the massive goods factories via coal, but then was decided to be powered more efficiently, through the much more abundabt oil wells in Milkavich province. The industrial age lead to the awareness of many other nations outside of the island, and gave the awarness of many other nations. This led to a buildup of the countries army and navy, to the point where it made it viable to conquer many other nations. This was also the start of the age of freedoms, where democracy was started in 1867, after the downfall of the monarchy. However, this soon ended in 1950 at the start of the Age of Strife

The Age of Strife

The First civil war

The divisions in Alfegos still existed, and thus led to differences in ideal. This developed into two major blocks: democracy, and the new ideal of Communism. Eventuall, civil war broke out with the communists taking over the industrial province of Milkavich, before they marched on the capital. Even though certain powers aided the communists destroy the capital, the government stopped the communists for good with the ultimate show of power: the deployment of lethal modified cyanide gas upon the communist stronghold in Milkavich. After this, the communist movement collapsed, and the void was filled by the democratic supporters, who relected the president, and helped rebuild the country.

The Second Civil War

In 1981, the smaller communist movement again started civil war, almost in the same fashion as before. But before they could attack the city, the democrat- loyal military struck a massive blow on the enemy with the combined use of tear gas and massive ground assault, smashing enemy resistance. The communists retaliated with the use of blister gases and other lethal gases from an unknown source on the regained territories. But this soon made them collapse, by many of the supporters rejoining the Democrats The war ended in a massive firefight in Milkavich, in which 510 civilians and 1570 military personnel died. All in all, through both wars, over 40 000 people lost their lives.

The Age of Reason

After this, the government had no opposition in ruling, and managed to bring about a technological revolution in just 2 years, with such campagins as "A computer in everyones home!" The armed forces were rebuilt, and the full potential of the massive deposits offshore and onshore Alfegos was realised.

Recent History

Recently, Alfegos suffered the worst floods in 400 years, almost ending in the collpase of the High Polinas Dam. However, swift intervention allowed it to be saved in time. Also, Alfegos has had more contact with the outside world, with many countries building embassies in its nation, and expanding to create the colony of New Alfegos. It also supported its greatest ally, Damirez, in the control of the former province of Alestra. Alfegos has been involved in numerous peacekeeping activities, such as the supression of civil war in Solenial and Grunt. Finally, the people who now realsie the power of democracy joined the Free World Alliance, to try and stop any more civil wars like it had in its past.


Alfegos is a massive island nation in the Nova archipelgio, and has a land claim of the entire island it is on, of around about 150 200 square miles. It posesses a wide variety of scenery and landscapes, from the flat fields of the north and south to the Mountains of the Moon and Solace which act as borders of the three provinces. Alfegos has some extensive river systems, famously the Zevkhos river running from lake Fega and the frequently flooded Polinas river. Alfegos is between a latitude of about 5° and 14°north, meaning that the island has a tropical climate. This is reflected by the vast interior rainforests. The higher mountainous regions have a more temperate - alpine climate. The arable land to the coasts are also tropical, with frequent rains and a year-round growing season.


Alfegos is run by a buerocratic democracy. The senate is comprised of the Ministers of each Ministry (elected by the ministerial staff), regional delegates (elected every 3 years by the people) and the head judges of the country. These are overseen by the president and his deputy, who are elected every 4 years by the people. The entire system is partyless, and no political parties are allowed to be formed. Any alliance or banding together of senetors involving money is an offence, punishable by 5 year expulsion.