Prince Thomas Vanek

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Prince Thomas Vanek is one of the Four Princes of Vanek Drury Briere. The Princes hold all of the power, hence the VDB is a Oligarchy. Prince Thomas Vanek is the most impressive member of the Princes, and CEO of Deathly Hallows Corporation, which he founded and is 75% shareholder of. He has his own private Boeing C-32, and has adopted a teenager named Ryan Carbon. Thomas Vanek looks 25 years old, but both him and Ryan Carbon are vampires, approved by the government. Both Ryan and Thomas are the starting strikers of FC Granderson, what is traditionally known as the VDB's best football (American soccer) team.


Prince Thomas Vanek has been to the following conferences:

Epsom Human Rights Conference

Treaty of Sonomi

The Consular Promenade